Some More Japanese Audio Files

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By HurpDurp on 48 comments

What’s that? You saw this post yesterday? Stop lying! I can prove it! Oliver just announced on his Twitter that he is not posting anything himself until late today! ( Had he said so earlier, I could’ve uploaded stuff myself but now I’m leaving D: ) I would not have known that yesterday! TRY TO EXPLAIN THAT!!! (Since I just said that, I don’t actually have to point out that I’m HurpDurp, do I?)

Lots of requests this time. So much so, that I didn’t even have enough time to listen to them all…

(Wanna make an audio request yourself? Look at the first comment of this post to learn how to!)

There are EIGHT different audios in here (one of which is hypnosis), so make sure you check them all out!


If your request isn’t on here and I responded to your post, I didn’t have enough time to listen to, review and upload it. A couple of people requests were long as fuck audios (up to 2 bloody hours), so they were sucking away all of my time (not to mention cum, thanks for making me a chronic masturbator again). Maybe next time… If I didn’t respond to your post, then I never saw your request and you should probably re-request it :V

And without further adieu…

Remember: Like I copypasted, these actually HAVE Japanese text in the file names. If you’re having trouble playing the files or seeing the text, I recommend switching your computer’s locale to Japanese and/or install the East Asian Language Pack. This is different for every operating system, so you’ll have to Google for directions on how to do this yourself.


I hear people use them as background music when reading to h-manga, if you’re having trouble visualizing what is happening in the scenario you could try using it for that.

Also, some of these might be loud. So watch out if you’re in an area where you can’t have other people listening to what you’re listening to.

Some people were complaining about the file names, so I’m trying something else out today. If they’re too long for you to extract, blame those guys. I warned them.

Perverted Lolita, by A water flea
(CV: Phan Masaki)

Requested by uey111.

Added to my really small “did not like from Phan Masaki” list (it currently only includes two others, RJ090861 and another one whose product number I can’t remember at the moment). I didn’t find myself sucked into it like she usually causes to happen to me, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t ejaculate.

But honestly, I didn’t like it because I simply couldn’t tell what the fuck was going on. I THINK you get a blowjob until you ejaculate in her mouth, then she makes you lick her vagina until she pisses into your mouth, after which she makes you stick your dick into her vag and fill her with white sticky disgusting stuff. But I could be wrong, I don’t know Japanese :(

With that said, this is an old recording from 2008. She’s improved a hell of a lot since then :V

Anyway, she’s a bit sadist, so if you’re sadistic or masochistic, you’ll probably enjoy this. I always thought I was a masochist, but I guess that’s not the case since I didn’t enjoy this as much as I should have if I was one. :(

Unrelated to the content, but DLSite spelled her name “Fan” instead of “Phan”. Why you do this?

Includes some sort of character music thing and some free talk thing.

There’s a sequel to this, but I don’t have it. If you do, please post it in the comments. It’s newer so I think I’ll enjoy it :3


Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(34 MB, 23 minutes and 59 seconds without bonuses, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Married Woman’s Erotic Afternoon Tea Time, by monsterbox
(CV: Hinano Itsuki)

Requested by Jankull.

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY enjoyed this one. Remember that one file that I said gave me a hands-free orgasm? I was literally a minute away from having one with this. If it was just one minute longer I would’ve totally popped all over myself. And I had ejaculated literally right before listening to this too! Highly recommended.

So yeah, it’s two different files with two different scenarios. The first one involves her giving you a handjob and blowjob, the other is a mutual masturbation session.

That second scene is pretty cool. First time I’ve seen a mutual masturbation audio. I’ve listened to files were girls masturbate and I’ve listened to audios with masturbation instructions, but I’ve never listened to any where you’re instructed to masturbate along with her. I had actually listened to that first by accident and ejaculated from it, then I listened to the first one and I had the experience mentioned above.

This is apparently part of a 3 part series, I think the other two are RJ057959 and RJ079015, but I’m not entirely sure. I have both though.

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(18 MB, 40 minutes and 11 seconds total, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

The Fox and the Snake, by A water flea
(CV: Phan Masaki)

Requested by uey111.

A Phan Masaki file from last year. Considering how recent it was, I figured it would be enjoyable. And I didn’t make an ass out of myself with my assumption :3

You basically get raped by a shrine maiden. You pull out your dick and start jerking off to her for whatever reason, which pisses her off so she ties you up and does things to you.

I had some quality problems with this. It literally changed depending on what I ran it in, but it seems Microsoft Zune’s software output the best sound. So if you’re having audio problems, maybe go download that?

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(61 MB, 30 minutes and 57 seconds without bonuses, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Collapse of the Hero – Vixen’s Sweet Trap, by hell dorado
(loli) (CV: Rei Tsukinomiya)

Requested by DevoSwat.

This was actually given to me in the comments by MonsterGirl Lover. Your upload for me went to good use :3

You have sex with a loli succubus, in multiple ways and positions (including a handjob, how does that even work with an audio?!). DLsite randomly translated the file names so I added them in.

This has sound effects for the various sexual acts as well as the ejaculation. It’s like I’m listening to myself fap!

Includes the script and a version of the mp3s without the sound effects (located in the “No Sound Effects” folder).

NOTE: This had CGs, but I had to remove them or Oliver wouldn’t let me post it :( (That’s also why there are no images below this either, Oliver said it’s too loli for moralfags.)

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(126 MB, 46 minutes and 21 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Love Model – New Young Girl’s Rabu Icha Ecchi – DOUBLE PACK, by S-Kanojo
(CV: Suzu Kinoshita)

This contains two sets of recordings, one where you fuck your younger sister and one where you fuck an underclassmen. They’re both EXACTLY the same (I compared), with one tiny difference. They replaced the word “senpai!!!” with the word “oniichan!!!”.

They’re both almost TWO FUCKING HOURS and include quite a bit of different play. I’m too lazy to list them all, but luckily for me DLsite did so I can just copy and paste it!

Foreplay: Kiss, ear fellatio (left/right separate tracks, they’re exactly the same just in different ears), fellatio, breast sex, cunnilingus, seduction, premature ejaculation, late ejaculation, cum swallow (fellatio)
Intercourse: various positions, masochistic, dirty talk, anal sex, intravaginal ejaculation, external ejaculation, only female orgasm
Post-sex: Talking after creampie, gazing into eyes, post-orgasm blowjob, pillow talk, sleeping

Ear fellatio is basically when you kiss and suck someone’s ear. If you didn’t know, your ear is also an erogenous zone.

Also, an audio depicting titty fucking? HOOOOOOLY SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!

Having said that, I can’t say I didn’t find it hot (read, it was erotic). I normally listen to these in bed with my eyes closed and covered by a blindfold so I can visualize better, but I listened to this while on my computer writing the other reviews of audios, looking up porn and editing manga (JESUS FUCK THESE WERE LONG). I wasn’t paying all that much attention, but I still found myself getting hard. Then again, I have a 7.1 surround sound headset, so maybe that helped…

If I’m understanding this correctly, these are kinda mix and match or something. You’re essentially supposed to make the story yourself, that’s why they have so many different scenarios and most things end without much of anything happening.

Includes some images without text and the scripts for EVERY scene! Holy shit!

There’s a part two of this, and it’s shared in this same post! Scroll down a bit for it, I’m posting these in order based on their product number.


Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(335 MB, Oniichan: 1 hour, 48 minutes and 23 seconds,
Senpai: 1 hour, 49 minutes and 17 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

AmeKano – The Girlfriend Who Gets Aroused By Rainfall, by A water flea
(CV: Phan Masaki)

Requested by DevoSwat.

In this audio, Phan Masaki plays your girlfriend. And she’s fucking weird. I’ve heard of getting scared shitless or getting relaxed and falling asleep because of rain, but aroused? Seriously? How the fuck does that happen? :|

Anyway, after her pussy starts dripping she starts sucking. Not sure why she didn’t stick it inside, I mean if the rain is making her wet why didn’t she just fuck you? :( So, yeah, just a blowjob, not intercourse. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t good.

In my opinion, this is more relaxing than erotic. I almost fell asleep listening to it… But that was probably because of the rain in the background.

Includes some images, the script and a couple of the audios without sound effects.

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(44 MB, 20 minutes and 43 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Hypno H Ecchi ECCHIIIIIIII!!!, by echos
(Hypnosis) (CVs: Yuu Shimotsuki (main), Riine Suzushiro, Niu Furuto, Watayuki)

Requested by N00b.

This was stupid. It’s literally just 4 seiyuus repeating the word “ecchi” over nine thousand times. Seriously. Somehow that’s supposed to be hypnotic and orgasm inducing, I don’t understand why at all. I didn’t hear any commands to masturbate, let alone even ejaculate.

The only good thing about this is that DLSite translated the file names for some unknown reason. So I can actually list what each is.

If you know Japanese, the readme file has some questions for you to answer and send to the circle. They’ll actually send you some free shit in return if you do the survey. If you do do it, hook me up with that free shit plox.

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(40 MB, 44 minutes and 27 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Love Model 2 – New Young Girl’s Rabu Icha Ecchi – DOUBLE PACK, by S-Kanojo
(CV: An Koshino)

Requested by Devspar_Zero.

“Sequel” to the one mentioned above. This time they’re each over two hours and about a maid and younger sister (where the sister is more respectful, because she’s calling you “-sama” instead of “-chan”. Dem Japanese honorifics.). Includes the following:

Foreplay: kiss, handjob, fellatio, breast sex, cunnilingus, seduction, premature ejaculation, late ejaculation, cum swallow (fellatio)
Intercourse: various positions, loving, verbal abuse, anal sex, intravaginal ejaculation, external ejaculation, only female orgasm
Post-sex: talking after creampie, gazing into eyes, post-orgasm blowjob, pillow talk, sleeping

Now don’t get me wrong, just because they’re both the same thing doesn’t mean they aren’t both good. I actually quite enjoyed them.

If I’m understanding this correctly, just like the first, these are mix and match. You’re essentially supposed to make the story yourself, that’s why they have so many different scenes.

Just like the first (which is linked above, if you didn’t see it) it includes the scripts and some images for both sets.


Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(352 MB, Oniisama: 2 hours, 3 minutes and 32 seconds,
Master: 2 hours, 4 minutes and 1 second, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3


sugoi = amazing (usually used in reference to the size of your penis or cum load, but may also be used during intercourse to describe how it feels)
kikuza = anus / asshole
denbu / ketsu / oshiri = ass / butt
sutte = breathe in
itte (sp?) = breathe out
kuritori = clit / clitoris
iku / shasei = cumming / ejaculating
Kimochi ii = feels good
shiko shiko/onani = jerk(jack)ing off / masturbation / wanking
chu / kisu = kiss
paizuri = mammary intercourse / titty-fucking
(o)chinchin / chinko / chin(m)po = penis
(o)manko = pussy
seieki / seishi / samen = semen

If anyone knows of any more I should add, do tell me.

And don’t forget to read the first comment!!!

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12 years ago

Please pick the product you want, I have way too many files to just know what each is ( 300 GB ) :(

Then reply to this post in some way or another with your product number (or you can link it), when I see the post I’ll respond letting you know whether or not I have it.

For all audios, check here:
For all hypnosis audios, check here:
For all incest audios, check here:
For all rape audios, check here: (Note: These are usually files where the woman rapes the guy, not the other way around.)
For all audios that have blowjobs (but not necessarily ONLY blowjobs), check here:
For all non-erotic audios, check here:

“全年齢” means “all ages” and “18禁” means “adults only”.

Note the above links lead to the Japanese DLSite. The English DLSite may have some files NOT listened on those (believe or it not, stuff that’s removed from the Jap site is sometimes forgotten and never removed from the Eng site). Here are all of the same links on the English site:

For all audios, check here:
For all hypnosis audios, check here:
For all incest audios, check here:
For all rape audios, check here: (Note: These are usually files where the woman rapes the guy, not the other way around.)
For all audios that have blowjobs (but not necessarily ONLY blowjobs), check here:
For all non-erotic audios, check here:

The English site might have some files the Japanese site doesn’t, but the Japanese site still has A LOT more the English site does not.

BTW, if you use Google translate and it turns a word to “pie(s)”, it means “creampie(s)”. I’m not entirely sure why Google can’t translate that word correctly, I’ve honestly fixed it every time I’ve seen it. I would’ve assumed they’d get the hint by now. (Also, “rori” is “loli”.)

If you find something you like, try change the URL from RJ to RE and pressing enter. It might have an English version of the description (which is usually not as long or as informative, but it’s still probably better than a shitty Google translation).

For example, if you like /product_id/RJ099154.html, you can change RJ099154 to RE099154 and be redirected to /product_id/RE099154.html. (I have this btw. Also, it’s Phan Masaki :3)

Just post the link as a reply here (add a space between “=” and “/”, or it’ll become a smiley) and if I have it (or am able to get it), I’ll let you know and upload it the next Sunday (assuming you get your request in BEFORE Wednesday, otherwise I won’t be able to listen to it before Sunday.)

Please try not to request 2 hour long recordings unless you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want them. They make listening to multiple things in a single night kind of impossible. If you do request them, try not requesting anything else that week kthx.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Side note: I currently have 14 requests. I’m probably going to cut that in half assuming I can listen to that many. But keep them coming for subsequent weeks.

And also keep checking those links. New audios come out literally EVERY day.

The requests I currently have so you don’t re-request them (also, make sure you search the page before requesting something, someone may already have requested it. Just search the numbers, not the letters):

RJ041612 – Succubus Legends – The Last of the Greats
RJ050199 – 淫語ないーてぃーしー04 ボクちゃんのモノはママのもの (Need English name)
RJ050585 – Succubus’ Dirty Words
RJ057693 – As the succubus says (Hypnosis)
RJ068228 – Love Whisper Mother 01
RJ068325 – Magic spell of the witch – her words (Hypnosis)
RJ070432 – Whispers of the immoral girl and the female pervert: Vol. 17
RJ072656 – If you can’t fall asleep… (Hypnosis)
RJ075642 – Young Mother Twosome Oral Time
RJ079015 – Blowjob from a Married Secretary
RJ080953 – Daughter Plays Mommy Role for Father and Brother
RJ083117 – Charmy Prisoners
RJ085738 – Tender Mama Listens To Anything You Say
RJ087118 – The Hero Was Tempted By Gold and the Succubus Slurped His Sperm in the Dungeon
RJ087671 – Masochist Elder Sister Gratefully Tormented By Young Brother
RJ089851 – Punishment of the Beautiful Phys Ed Nurse
RJ090009 – Daughter Does Masochist Daddy
RJ091225 – Sins of Succubus – Sweet lure of Sin
RJ097498 – The mother of unchastity obligation
RJ097607 – The Sensual Rural Girl Has Come to Seduce You
RJ097744 – [Feminized] Hypno Shizuku -Slippery Soothing Lust Saimin [Bitch] (Hypnosis)
RJ097935 – Now Recruiting A Boyfriend!
RJ098503 – Mischief of the Slightly Lovesick Sister
RJ098859 – An Entreat to Liaison – Netorare In the Washroom
RJ098864 – Do-Ero Kiss GoGo Bitch!
RJ099355 – I Give Blowjobs Because I Love You – Cum Inside Me Is OK! – Vol.1
RJ099761 – Chotto Hentai na Futago no Shimai to Kaisuiyoku ni Ikou
Plus the rest of the above series

If you don’t see your request here, please reply to this post and let me know!

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Sorry, didn't reply to your first, so this post will be doubled with one below.

If there are any rape audios of the male raping the female, could you post those? Not sure how to check if that's what they are.

Also requesting these three, please.


12 years ago
Reply to  Wendel

I have all three. And they're all almost 2 hours. yudodis2me :(

As for your question, if it's listed as "woman rapes man" the man is getting raped, but if it's just "rape" it should be the man doing the raping. Try this:

12 years ago

i've also got a few that I would like to request, the first 2 is from the love whisper series, which i've heard great things about. (really sexy imo).


the next 3 are wincest~~ yay~~


and one more that sparked my interests.


Thanks for sharing these. Been really enjoying your posts as of late~

12 years ago
Reply to  Raxeh

I didn't actually like the one Love Whisper I listened to. And it was voiced by Nanako Igarashi too. But to each his own. Maybe I'll like the others…

I have both of those.

I have a file that says it's RJ050199, but the images are different for some reason. They do sound alike tho.

RJ097498 was already requested (see the list above).

I have (and have already listened to, so I'll be able to post it right away) RJ068325.

I don't have RJ080242.

12 years ago

don't suppose any of these have subtitles made for them? lol These are pretty interesting but I can only get soo turned on when I don't know what they are saying heh

12 years ago
Reply to  jasta85

Sorry, you'll have to take the script (assuming it includes one) and Google translate it.

12 years ago

Thanks for fulfilling 2 of my requests~
Also, RJ072681 (The Fox and the Snake) is already uploaded in this post.

12 years ago
Reply to  uey111

Yeah, I noticed I forgot to remove that from the list this morning while I was on my phone :x

12 years ago

Sweet… More (censored) aid… Guess HurpDurp is now official Oliver's second-in-command?

12 years ago

Are there any similar english audio porn out there?

12 years ago
Reply to  Kitukiut

Use the world "fdhypno torrent" on Google. ;)

12 years ago
Reply to  neto592

That's only hypnosis and 90% of it sucks :x

If I'm to recommend anyone, it'd be Nikki Fatale. She's really good at it.

Isabella Valentine is AWFUL, don't even bother listening to any of her work. She was slightly good at it in the beginning but she progressively gets worse to the point where her hypnosis isn't even hypnosis anymore and she even realizes it herself so she stopped calling them hypnosis sessions.

A Mistress Carol is fine too.

Also, searching "fdhypno torrent" on Google won't help much. Sites like thepiratebay have been removed from Google results.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Thepiratebay (or at least, dunno if there are/were any other) shows up with no problems in my google searches.

12 years ago
Reply to  uey111

Well, they're not removed, they're just no longer at the top of results.

If you still see them, you're lucky. Wait a couple more weeks.

12 years ago

hentai audio? Are you fucking kidding me?

12 years ago

Thank you for posting these!

12 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks this is a complete waste of time? Why don't you just… watch porn? Audio + video…

12 years ago
Reply to  asdf

Porn isn't moemoekyun.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Whatever the fuck that is.

12 years ago
Reply to  asdf

How can you like hentai and not be an otaku? :( (Or at the very least not know this meme?)

12 years ago

I've always been curious about these audios. Thanks a bunch for posting them!

I've got a bit of a succubus fetish, so anything more that you have that involves succubi would be awesome.

If you need product numbers, here are my requests, but feel free to pick and choose as you like.


In addition, anything from the Dream Voice series would be GREATLY appreciated

Anything that involves succubi that you think is hot, please go ahead and add it.
Many thanks in advance!

12 years ago
Reply to  JP90

Oh, and this?


12 years ago
Reply to  JP90

Succubus fetish, huh? You'd be best friends with Kusojijii. You should try asking him to translate some succubus hentai, he more than likely would.

I have everything in the first list except RJ058272 and RJ040911.

The ONLY Dream Voice file I have is RJ041612 (but for some reason my archive is only 73MB, the site says it's supposed to be 646M B). Share has RJ039433, RJ044852 and RJ048923, so I'm downloading them.

I have RJ089851. I believe that's that other Phan Masaki file I didn't like, the one I couldn't remember the product number of when I was making this post.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

please, can you find 淫魔伝2 受け継がれる遺伝子 第一夜 過ちを繰り返す者,
RJ057422, from Dream Voice, I searched everywhere, but… nothing.

12 years ago
Reply to  ztron

If you can't find it, I likely can't either.

Why'd you reply here instead of the post that was just made yesterday? If you hadn't responded directly to me (or I didn't follow the RSS comment feed for this site), I would've never known you had sent that message.

12 years ago

I’m interested in the file that you said gave you a hands-free orgasm. Could you give us the title to that one?


12 years ago
Reply to  captain

It was the first one I ever uploaded.

12 years ago

Holy, the Hell Dorado ones are awesome. Definitely put these into your request list.

12 years ago
Reply to  heroLuka

Any in particular?

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

they all look good. Especially the ones in the "Collapse of the hero" series

12 years ago
Reply to  heroLuka

Ah.. I'm sorry, I had a brain fart. The only other two hell dorado files I have are = / product_id/RE095520.html and = / product_id/RE092515.html (loli, so I won't be able to include the CGs again)

I'm currently downloading RE083347 on PD.

Want any of those three?

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

It'd be nice if you can upload those 2 the next time you post the audio again B)

12 years ago
Reply to  heroLuka

Won't be able to listen to them until Sunday, so that's not doable. Sorry :(

RE083347 finished downloading, by the way.

12 years ago
Reply to  heroLuka

So do you want RE083347 or not?

Also, got a new hell dorado: /product_id/RE100755.html

12 years ago

Thanks for your work HurpDurp!

I'm gonna enjoy it. :)

12 years ago
Reply to  Jankull

Oh, and I forgot to ask you.

If by any chance you have RJ100830, or a link for it, I'll be very happy. ^^

12 years ago
Reply to  Jankull

Afraid not, sorry.

12 years ago

I got into these audios after seeing them here.
Any chance you have/can get RJ079992 and RE080423 ?

12 years ago
Reply to  anon531

Huh. You found an audio that isn't on the Japanese site.

Sorry, I don't have either.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Yea, was looking up the work of that group and happen to find that. Oh well, thanks anyways for the other audios.

12 years ago
Reply to  anon531

Although I don't have those, I do have a few from Pito.

RJ068612, RJ084085, RJ092793, RJ099355, RJ095530, RJ085652, RJ093304, RJ084756, RJ081733, RJ068995 and RJ079813.

12 years ago

WTF? Why would anyone want these audios? Are there really people who want to fap to audio? Or is this just like using these videos to make a video or something?

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  wakoko79

Quite obviously, Wakoko, there ARE people who fap to hentai audio. And : bless them, why not !

Are you trying to make a rational or moral argument in a porn blog ? What's worse : a hentai blog ? ;)
Just deal with it, to each his own tastes.

12 years ago
Reply to  wakoko79

Have you actually downloaded and listened to any of these? Some of them are seriously erotic in my opinion.

If you have the ability to imagine, you should be able to really enjoy these. If you have difficulty imagining things, these can just be your background music (like they have in softcore porn) while reading hentai or watching porn that doesn't have music in it.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Luckily I have quite the imagination

4 years ago

is there still a chance to get the sound effects? unfortunately everything is down, even the mirrors.