Haechan is sunshine in human form

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025

Комментарии • 373

  • @hiba2366
    @hiba2366 3 года назад +634

    Whenever there's Haechan saying anything, there's Mark Lee laughing his lungs out

  • @snicolebf3588
    @snicolebf3588 3 года назад +461

    lee soo man so accurate to giving him the stage name of haechan and he didnt lie when he was a rookie saying he will keep joking, i love him so much, its so comforting

  • @sylve2474
    @sylve2474 3 года назад +448

    Haechan's rendition of happy birthday will always be one of my favorite clips,, when he takes the mic away and stops them starts again as it come back down, literally, the pinnacle if comedy, right there

  • @snorelaxed7283
    @snorelaxed7283 3 года назад +1425

    He was not named as Fullsun for nothing. Dude be really living up to his name- 🌞🐻

    • @katerinaleeuke522
      @katerinaleeuke522 3 года назад +29

      Haechan is truly a living Pudu. He so cuteeeeee

  • @themoon5201
    @themoon5201 3 года назад +467

    He can annoy anyone in nct till they want to beat the shit out of him, but still manage to look adorable and endearing 😅

    • @kpopforever4846
      @kpopforever4846 3 года назад +22

      But in the end they are grateful to have him so he can make everyone happy when they are down and tired.

  • @milju
    @milju 3 года назад +1261

    THE TAEIL HYUNG CHAPTER I CRIED.... god i feel like haechan is going to be extremely sad once taeil enlist i cant do this

    • @latebloomer9708
      @latebloomer9708 3 года назад +110

      I love the way they treat each other. So much like father and son. Taeil has so much loving tolerance for his bratty son Haechan while son has very high regard for his gentle dad. Such an admirable relationship between iconic bros! ❤❤❤

    • @jtyhsgu1164
      @jtyhsgu1164 3 года назад +40

      Can’t imagine for that day 🥲

    • @katerinaleeuke522
      @katerinaleeuke522 3 года назад +56

      Right he loves his Taeil hyung so much he going to be so sad. But when Taeil gets on break hopefully his members can see every now and then.

    • @ekafilms1225
      @ekafilms1225 3 года назад +14

      oh my god nooo 😢

    • @seventeenshome7691
      @seventeenshome7691 3 года назад +11

      hey, don't worry :) he can still call them and talk to them while serving :D and they get breaks too if I'm not wrong, so he can visit them!

  • @elinmedelberg
    @elinmedelberg 3 года назад +802

    The story about him breaking his pinkie took me out💀💀💀

    • @Damonistique
      @Damonistique 3 года назад +65

      And now we have a new one about how he rode bicycle and crushed into a wall💀💀💀

    • @Damonistique
      @Damonistique 3 года назад

      @@Ashgonewild it's in recent Chillin' in Our Youth, ep.4

    • @seventeenshome7691
      @seventeenshome7691 3 года назад +22


  • @ladybugthal
    @ladybugthal 3 года назад +1676

    this is the cutest video ever and it literally made me forget about my problems for the whole time 😭 10/10 recommended if you want to feel warm and fuzzy inside

    • @hcgf3515
      @hcgf3515 3 года назад +12

      i agree, i strongly agree *mark voice* 😭😭

    • @dora-sw9om
      @dora-sw9om 3 года назад +7

      same omg, ive been studying the whole morning then i watched this while taking a break and, it just made me feel so much better 💗💗

    • @cosmixtsu
      @cosmixtsu 3 года назад +6

      @@dora-sw9om idk if anyone else told u this today but u did well ^__^

    • @dora-sw9om
      @dora-sw9om 3 года назад +6

      @@cosmixtsu awhhhh 💗💗 thats literally so sweet of you 😭😭🌟

    • @user-pg5uh9if2f
      @user-pg5uh9if2f 3 года назад +5

      same, i hope you feel better with whatever is stressing you out

  • @sinkingonblue
    @sinkingonblue 3 года назад +190

    haechan is born to be an entertainer, his silly side makes him always stands out. every nctzens must be swerve to his land at least once, ult bias wrecker fullsun ☀

  • @elgatoesqueleto
    @elgatoesqueleto 3 года назад +212

    15:51 is so disgustingly CUTE. I CANNOT with him.

  • @kiki-uy6ri
    @kiki-uy6ri 3 года назад +111

    Thats a reason why he's named fullsun~
    He's literally so precious and whenever i watch him i feel so happy

  • @ClassicallyMish
    @ClassicallyMish 3 года назад +70

    Anyone else who acts like Haechan would be an unpleasant brat but Haechan is so charming it’s cute.

  • @adilahsofea
    @adilahsofea 3 года назад +88

    did jaehyun smile on fullsun"s jokes
    literally YES

  • @thepv598
    @thepv598 3 года назад +42

    If haechan isn't the cutest soul, I don't know who it is...

  • @hesfoive3481
    @hesfoive3481 3 года назад +42

    I'm surprised Dreamies haven't died from the lack of oxygen yet with the amount of laughter because of Haechan. That guy shoud be doing his own stand up show and I would be in the front seat!

  • @kryw10
    @kryw10 3 года назад +107

    Stan Haechan, carry the sun with you everywhere you go.

  • @smgwisuda
    @smgwisuda 3 года назад +55

    STAN HAECHAN, he's so cute, so talented, can be handsome and pretty at the same time. let's love this precious person

  • @renjunseyesight
    @renjunseyesight 3 года назад +39

    Haechan is the sunshine in everyone's life, you can't deny it

  • @fullsundotgov
    @fullsundotgov 3 года назад +52

    127 laugh at everything he does & take care of him bc he’s the maknae whereas dreamies humble him bc they basically grew up together which restores the balance😌

  • @lyannna
    @lyannna 3 года назад +83


  • @narinlha8493
    @narinlha8493 3 года назад +72

    Now I know how to reply to my teachers when they ask me to explain something I don't have any idea about 😅😂
    My Sunshine is the brightest one 💛

  • @jekyll4656
    @jekyll4656 3 года назад +156

    i don’t even know how sooman thought about giving him the stage name ‘haechan’ [ ‘hae’ meaning ‘proper/righteous’ and ‘chan’ meaning ‘to shine’ thus ‘haechan’ means ‘to shine properly/righteously’ ] as if he has seen that this person would be a ball of sunshine 🥺🥺🥺 that’s why i will always think how perfectly fitting his name is for him whenever he says he’s fullsun!!! love you so much my fullsun 🐻💚

    • @engotzzsja
      @engotzzsja 9 месяцев назад

      lee soo man has that instinct. Just like how he named leeteuk (park jungsoo), eunhyuk (lee hyukjae) and shindong (shin donghee) of suju members. Lee soo man reads people well.

    • @jekyll4656
      @jekyll4656 9 месяцев назад

      @@engotzzsja right! it's funny though that according to koreans there's no such thing as "righteous" hae character so they don't know where that was from lmao

  • @ellec5228
    @ellec5228 3 года назад +17

    Haechan really is full of sunshine! I love how he loves Taeil & how he brings him out of his shell. They're polar opposites, are the oldest and youngest yet they vibe & complement each other so well, it's so adorable.

  • @lolwhyamihere8775
    @lolwhyamihere8775 3 года назад +17

    He really is the embodiment of sunshine like he's so radiant, warm and full of affection and can instantly improve any mood

  • @Yennyyychan
    @Yennyyychan 3 года назад +32

    Haechan is indeed our FULLSUN!!
    Everything is eased after hearing his singing and laughter:) I can’t resist his cuteness awww🥺🥺💚

  • @renjunseyesight
    @renjunseyesight 3 года назад +20

    I love how the dreamies really match their energy to Haechan's energy (at least most of the times)

  • @subakbaksu2293
    @subakbaksu2293 3 года назад +442

    THANKS TO LEE SOOMAN SONSAENGNIM to give name HAECHAN to him the name is really fits with his PERSONALITY.

    • @j._.1477
      @j._.1477 3 года назад +3

      Oh , what’s the meaning of it ?

    • @ggsairon4223
      @ggsairon4223 3 года назад +17

      @@j._.1477 Haechan means Fullsun😁

  • @Moontaha_02
    @Moontaha_02 3 года назад +78

    Thank god I've found him. He's one of the most adorable human being I've ever seen. I hope he knows that his presence makes us bright. He's not just a ball of sunshine, he's the FULLsun to my life. This video warmed my heart. Thanks.💛

  • @bluemoonwalker
    @bluemoonwalker 3 года назад +24

    he is indeed.. he made us proud of him everyday!!

  • @soleil_moon
    @soleil_moon 3 года назад +15

    6:36 AND HE REALLY DID😭😭

  • @arunimakurian7964
    @arunimakurian7964 3 года назад +15

    That "mic Banderos" is iconic as haechan

  • @nahla8958
    @nahla8958 3 года назад +9

    his whole personality is so comforting to me i love him so much

  • @aigoosoo5380
    @aigoosoo5380 3 года назад +17

    god imagine being able to have him in your life 😭😭😭 biggest blessing ever

  • @flamingsalad
    @flamingsalad 3 года назад +13

    Haechan really needs to be on variety shows!

  • @jemsyong6214
    @jemsyong6214 3 года назад +21

    the silence right after haechan's joke @ 13:53 LMAOOOO, he's so cute my god

  • @NoName-my1vk
    @NoName-my1vk 2 года назад +7

    I hard stan so many groups and so many members of those groups, and recently i've realized Haechan is my ult bias. Everything about him is perfect and amazing and he never fails to make me smile or laugh with his personality, his voice makes me feel so many things when he sings, and i'm constantly floored by his talent when he's dancing. He truly is THE all-rounder idol.

  • @lorzkee10
    @lorzkee10 3 года назад +11

    my cheeks hurt from smiling too much 😭 his aegyo is definitely my weakness i cant! 😭💘💘

  • @mugglepuff
    @mugglepuff Год назад +2

    Out of all the videos I've watched so far, haechan probably has the most sad rainy filter clips.

  • @Damonistique
    @Damonistique 3 года назад +12

    I'm in kpop for 10 years, but Haechanie is the first time I can confidently say that this is my bias that I distinguish from everyone else in the group, even though love them too. Everything about this talented fluffy ball is just 💔💔💔

  • @yangyangist9555
    @yangyangist9555 3 года назад +8

    it's rlly devastating when his hair bounces when he moves around. pls he's so cute i love him so much 😭

  • @pauline5715
    @pauline5715 3 года назад +18

    This the cutest compilation vids of Haechan ever.

  • @Yadhimmm
    @Yadhimmm 3 года назад +30

    6:17 i saw Jeno and i died inside a little :(SO CUTEE

  • @renjunseyesight
    @renjunseyesight 3 года назад +14

    5:33 the fact that we can hear the laughter in the background

  • @janejennie6671
    @janejennie6671 3 года назад +14

    haechan really cute :))))))~~ funny , handsome, cute, clever, good at cooking , angel = PERFECT!

  • @epsilonchiomicroneri
    @epsilonchiomicroneri 3 года назад +7

    I love how most of the clips in this video is him with 127, being the maknae that he is… and then there’s also mark laughing at everything he does

  • @bananacrunch
    @bananacrunch 3 года назад +19

    So freaking adorable.

  • @meowhyrs
    @meowhyrs 3 года назад +34

    as if the story of baby haechan getting so excited to play video games with his cousin that he ended up injuring himself wasnt funny enough on its own, you decided to edit it 😭

  • @anindyatalitha4886
    @anindyatalitha4886 3 года назад +9

    he really brightens up this whole world

  • @adilahsofea
    @adilahsofea 3 года назад +19

    sooo he keep making jokes until now , thts our haechannie

  • @SunflowerSuzuki
    @SunflowerSuzuki 6 месяцев назад +9

    Seeing the montage of Taeil and Haechan at 14:57 and coming just after the news, I am unable to process feelings and emotions 😔
    Anyway, il-i-chil for life ✊ Gonna support them

    • @Ni-kiGlazer
      @Ni-kiGlazer 6 месяцев назад


    • @Ni-kiGlazer
      @Ni-kiGlazer 6 месяцев назад

      just a little confused why you’re gonna proceed to support someone who not only committed s/a on someone but on a minor..

    • @SunflowerSuzuki
      @SunflowerSuzuki 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@Ni-kiGlazer Maybe I did not write in a clarifying manner. I meant seeing them together makes me so emotional as to how much Haechan trusted Taeil and now he must be heartbroken. Many people might leave the fandom now because of this issue, but I intend to stay and support the remaining NCT 127, no matter what. I hope it is clear now :)
      I have no intention to root for someone like Taeil

  • @sleeves2long
    @sleeves2long 3 года назад +13

    words can not explain how much i utterly adore this compilation oh my gOD haechan best boy

  • @geraldine8296
    @geraldine8296 3 года назад +15

    He’s competitive and, at the begging of being NCTzen i thought ‘wtf’ w this dude, but then i realized I have more in common w him, so i fell for him. One of his charms is being ✨himself✨.

  • @chococomallow
    @chococomallow 3 года назад +6

    the serotonin boost i got from this video 😭

  • @goldazadeng
    @goldazadeng 3 года назад +9

    I am just so thankful that he existed!! I speak gibberish when I see his face! I'm not kidding! He is so cute that my tears came sometimes!! Ottoke😭 our sunshine💚

    • @kyh1866
      @kyh1866 3 года назад +3

      Yeah me too 😭 my family thinks I am getting crazy 😅

    • @goldazadeng
      @goldazadeng 3 года назад

      @@kyh1866 tears🥂😭

  • @mydaffodil5694
    @mydaffodil5694 3 года назад +8

    taeil smiling so bright while saying "he's crazy" 😭😭😭

  • @rayson0312
    @rayson0312 3 года назад +8

    he really brightens my life

  • @Mamtasingh-123
    @Mamtasingh-123 2 года назад +1

    Smile doesn't left my face for even a second throughout the video he is really a fullsun ☀️

  • @isalvim
    @isalvim 3 года назад +8

    this video was THE serotonin booster i needed in my life

  • @sherenseilya
    @sherenseilya 3 года назад +22

    he's a sunshine indeed. thanks for making this video🌞💛

  • @leilanagabrielle9237
    @leilanagabrielle9237 6 месяцев назад +9

    I'm so sorry Haechan

  • @angelicapicorro1298
    @angelicapicorro1298 3 года назад +21

    04:46 i will never forget this part Philippines or my country omyghad i didn't expect this to happen in neo city

  • @alixa3676
    @alixa3676 3 года назад +2

    the neo privilege to have haechan as their personal ball of sunshine ^^

  • @aisyahjihyehan2496
    @aisyahjihyehan2496 3 года назад +15

    what a right timing😂my teacher is busy so my online class task is just watching a youtube video and answer questions but then this pop up and finally I'm early😂🤍

  • @iamacaratstayingonapurpleg6059
    @iamacaratstayingonapurpleg6059 3 года назад +6

    It's gonna be almost a year since i became an NCTzen and tbh Haechan was a bit too much for me at the very beginning. But as time passed he just creeped into my heart to be the most beautiful human and now I'm like if I get to meet him at least once I'd say "baby can I please adopt you?"

  • @Sarah-en8pp
    @Sarah-en8pp 3 года назад +12

    When neo chaotic posts videos, I stop whatever I'm doing and watch the masterpieces

  • @aprilmalano9724
    @aprilmalano9724 3 года назад +2

    haechan is really such a genius entertainer, rino was so on point with that title!!!

  • @a_maze_in_kwangya
    @a_maze_in_kwangya 3 года назад +3

    We are so lucky to have this boy within the fandom. Life wouln't be the same without our sun!

  • @a_k_406
    @a_k_406 3 года назад +18

    Your edits are so on pointe. The bgm choices, the comedic timing, the cuts. It’s a talent 👏🏼👏🏼

  • @PhuongVyNguyenBinh-ed1lm
    @PhuongVyNguyenBinh-ed1lm Год назад +2

    I really like your editing,haehchan makes me laugh a lot no matter how many times I watch it and your editing style😂

  • @themoon5201
    @themoon5201 3 года назад +7

    Behold, my pocket sized fullsun🥺

  • @sunnydoies7421
    @sunnydoies7421 3 года назад +11

    this is my new comfort video thank u neo chaotic for ur gift to the sunflower community 🫂

  • @_fullsunzen25
    @_fullsunzen25 3 года назад +26

    Amazing, just amazing content, wonderful editing, I was cackling throughout the whole thing. I love haechan so much!!! The video title is so fitting

  • @Kami656
    @Kami656 3 года назад +7

    Instantly brightened up my super depressing day, thank you so much for this, your edits are hilarious! Haechan forever Neo City's full sun

  • @qkshyae4150
    @qkshyae4150 3 года назад +6

    my moodbost , my happiness , our fullsun

  • @kimlee9322
    @kimlee9322 3 года назад +11

    Great video editing. Love it!
    Love Haechan. My ult bias. He brings laughter to everyone's life.

  • @wastelifetakenotes
    @wastelifetakenotes 3 года назад +7

    PLEASE. this edit is 100/10 ✨☀️

  • @smoliceplease
    @smoliceplease 3 года назад +7

    Finally.. my favourite human 🌞 thank you! 🌞

  • @kintania3798
    @kintania3798 3 года назад +3

    He's that FULL-SUN. wholeheartedly cutie clingy little brat yet talented lovely handsome man🖐🏽😔

  • @okaycuttt32
    @okaycuttt32 3 года назад +9

    OMIGOSH...I love haechan and I love your editing! I screamed with happiness seeing this video on my recommendation list.

  • @mrn7044
    @mrn7044 3 года назад +3


  • @abishnasubba08
    @abishnasubba08 3 года назад +12

    Omg thankyou for this video I love him as well you so much ☀️💚 sunshine

  • @forevera5241
    @forevera5241 3 года назад +6

    Haechan, Johnny and Yuta should do a story time special.

  • @nataliagarcia4182
    @nataliagarcia4182 3 года назад +5

    I have never seen a video name that is more accurate. I love this baby and the fact that you made a video to appreciate him being awesome 😍💚

  • @sussexmyzennie
    @sussexmyzennie 3 года назад +3

    I can't stop watching this video, I love him so much!

  • @suncakecobra
    @suncakecobra 3 года назад +2

    thank you for this video Haechan is my ult! he is very adorable, funny, and mischievous. the variety content he creates is so unique to him!

  • @trilestari7460
    @trilestari7460 Год назад +1

    6:32 yes haechan you really did it😭

  • @inuri.nimeka0813
    @inuri.nimeka0813 3 года назад +6

    This was the best way to start my day before classes ! A huge ass serotonin boost thanks to our FullSun ! 🥰❤️ Thank you for this video it definitely made my day! 😂❤️

  • @yarioi
    @yarioi 3 года назад +5

    I love mark and haechan 🥺 my 2 lil cuties :,)

  • @tyongmybubu
    @tyongmybubu 2 года назад +1


  • @giabenoya5805
    @giabenoya5805 2 года назад

    Haechan is insane for hitting that high notes😲🤯

  • @a4sizepaper
    @a4sizepaper 2 года назад +1

    naur I'm srsly gonna cry i love him so much

  • @alishagonzalez3893
    @alishagonzalez3893 3 года назад +2

    Pls..he's so adorable!!!

  • @tltdnll
    @tltdnll 3 года назад +1


  • @reylissadenolong8945
    @reylissadenolong8945 3 года назад +8

    I love your edits.. specially this!. Thank you !.. haechan is indeed everyone's sunshine !..

  • @claretelizabetfragagarcia9323
    @claretelizabetfragagarcia9323 Год назад +1

    No sé en qué momento empecé a amar a este chico. Realmente es un rayo de sol a mi vida.☀️🐻🤍

  • @valeriavelazquez6771
    @valeriavelazquez6771 3 года назад +8

    Girl, you edit so cool, like sm should hire you as his video editor. love u thanks for the content

  • @carolinbonnie8686
    @carolinbonnie8686 3 года назад +5

    Damn thank you for this video, it literally made my morning🤧❤️💚
    Haechan is really the sunshine of the group☀️🥰 He’s literally so cute and funny💕

  • @hcgf3515
    @hcgf3515 3 года назад +6

    thankyou for making this vid, 100% boosting my mood🥺

  • @babykosihaechan
    @babykosihaechan 3 года назад +7

    OMGGGGGG I've been waiting for your new videos, and it's finally here. And guess what? It's all about Haechan, my sunshine. 😭😭😭

  • @JemXia1520
    @JemXia1520 3 года назад +4

    Needed so much my fullsun. I love your vids.