Sophia and Dylan (in her bedroom) discuss the teasing off his friends and how it turns him on, Sophia can't believe that her son is possible cuck. Dylan dares his mum to tease Neill and the boss, while he watches from the stairs, Sophia, likes this idea, so she goes for a shower and slips into a light sexy dress and head's down stair's ( to make food for our drunk guest's).
Sophia enters the living room where her husband is struggling to get TV signal reception to watch the game, and every time he turn's his back, Sophia becomes more daring in her teasing, Neill and the boss can't believe what's happing. Sophia Slip's off to the kitchen to prepare the food, Dylan quietly sides down stair's and follows her in, to see if she's enjoying the cuck session
Sophia is very horny, Dylan ask her to up her game by pulling her tits out when father is looking and show and let the boss feel her snatch, again when Hubby's back is turned, she agrees but as her Hubby's back is turned, Neill over steps the mark by trying to stick his fingers up into her snatch as hubby turn's around, things are a bit backward for a second ( Sophia thinks she's been caught in the act) when hubby suggests that they head over to Neill's to watch the game.
Sophia can't believe she got away with it, she's horny as she has ever been, so is Dylan. As the lads leave for Neill's house, Dylan takes Sophia into his room, where the action begins
After it's done and dusted, Sophia and Dylan lying naked in his bed, father comes stumbling through the door very drunk, he staggers up stair's towards his room and as he passes by Dylan's, Sophia and Dylan think that they've been caught, by luck, father stumbles on by into his room, a sigh of relief washes over Dylan and Sophia. Sophia slips out of Dylan's room and into the shower, all appears safe, but little did Dylan and Sophia realise as they were caught up in the heat of their in counter, that the Dylan's bedroom door had slipped open and his sister had come home early and watched the sole naughty session unfold