Based on the diction & vernacular used in the majority of the posts here, not to mention the overall immaturity demonstrated by the vast number of forum posters, it is no wonder that the ratio is out of whack to begin with. That being said, outside of reasons such as trying to keep their name relevant in the adult industry, I highly doubt there are a lot of female posters here whom you would want to actively communicate with. Even on the internet. Maybe it is just me but I'm not sure I want to stay in touch with a chick that frequents a forum with such "gems" as "Who made you cum today?" and "Which 5 girls would you like to fuck the most?" There is A LOT of sexism here.
Well there, English Professor Tarface, I have a few great suggestions for you. First, read "How to Win Friends and Influence People", because clearly you aren't really familiar with how to do either.
Second, and certainly I'm no white knight, but where do you come off insulting nearly every female on these boards as you do? Without ever having interacted with, or personally met these women, that's mighty bold of you to doubt that any of them are worth communicating with.
I would certainly agree with you that the topics in the talk section don't always blow my skirt up, which is why I've been hanging around the funny pics forum more often, but then... this is an adult message board. Certainly you aren't surprised that there would be topics about sex and pornography here. And where there's porn, traditionally there are a lot higher numbers of males than females.
Your horse... it's mighty high.