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Now we know what Subaru is like in RL. I thought about many things, but I really didn't expect this Oo
About the unconsiosness: there are games where you get unconscious when you have low HP. If the enemy leaves and doesnt kill you you just have to wait until you regenerated a bit. At least, that would explain it^^
First of all, if Subaru has feelings for Tsukasa, does that make her a lesbian? Hah.
Second, it appears to me that all of the Crimson Knights other than Crim are all weaklings. How can they expect to be respected as leaders if those they are leading can usurp them so easily?
Third, I think I like Subaru's beaten-up look better than her normal look. Haha.
Subaru looked better all beaten up lol. Its funny how the leader of the crimson knights hasn't raised her level at all >.> if i was playing "The World" i'd probably kill her and take on the crimson knights myself for fun haha
tsukasaXsubaru <3
hope tsukasa doesn't turn out to be a girl after all tho, it would make things a bit awkward for subaru ;)
for awhile there i was really expecting crim or tsukasa to save her, and i really don't understand how she could be knocked unconscious in a mmorpg.
what i don't get is why her clothes were all torn, i've never seen that in any mmo XD
Crim is so sweet... D'AWWWWW
But, like, can't he tell it's not Subaru? Is he like colorblind? Cuz I woulda been like, "Oh hey, now youz wearing pink..."
wow, i never thought that i would see Subaru in that condition!! i thought she'll be like this cute flawless princess all the way til final episode...
and omg, the real Subaru is wearing glasses and sit on a wheelchair??? im shocked!!
vocaloidd0suchan said: Crim is so sweet... D'AWWWWW
But, like, can't he tell it's not Subaru? Is he like colorblind? Cuz I woulda been like, "Oh hey, now youz wearing pink..."
you do realize that when Subaru wearing pink its suppose to be flashback right??
So we had a BT episode, and now we get a Subaru episode.
The thing with this series is that its pacing and structure don't seem to be similar to any other series I'm familiar with. Not yet at least. I'm trying to sort my way through the backstory and presentation still.
Interesting episode nevertheless. I guess it's now confirmed that BT likes Crim, Crim likes Subaru, and Subaru likes Tsukasa. Don't know why though.
And I still find it kinda odd that RL!Subaru is wheelchair-bound, but I guess it's fitting with the fact that she just doesn't engage in much action but prefers to talk things through with people.
Hm. Interesting episode. I knew since Tsukasa was captured early on that Subaru seemed to like him. I'm not too sure why she's crying though. Is she concerned about the knights or Tsukasa?
RDX said: Subaru looked better all beaten up lol. Its funny how the leader of the crimson knights hasn't raised her level at all >.> if i was playing "The World" i'd probably kill her and take on the crimson knights myself for fun haha
Doesn't work like that, they wouldn't acknowledge anyone besides Subaru.
The episode was pretty good, revealing the subaru's past while showing some of Crim, just like BT's ep. and we got to see the Subaru behind the screen, i also got surprised with that.
Subaru leaning on Tsukasa's shoulder. I'm feelin' the love!
This was a really intense episode. The internal conflict of the Crimson Knights finally boiled over. Silver Knight's request for personal information was a bit chilling, he basically wants to create a world order out of the game. The use of imagery during Subaru and Silver Knight's argument was well done, particularly the shadow that SK cast over the other knights as he ascended to the throne. This asserted his dominance over them and the new order he was planning.
Now that Subaru has disbanded the knights, I hope to see her and Tsukasa more and wonder if the Silver Knight is going to be forming his own group to hunt down Tsukasa. I mean, this guy has shown that he is one or two levels above obsessed with Subaru and The World. I can't see him just accepting this.
I stopped watching this for a sec, and this was a great episode to come back to. I was pretty confused at first with the pink Subaru and the normal Subaru. Once I figured out what was going on, it was really cool to look at her backstory and how she is changing now, sort of growing up. I thought her being with Tsukasa was trite before; now it makes sense. It's nice.
This was the best episode so far. Some of the earlier conversations Subaru had about Crim now makes sense. She had a good backstory.
But I am not convinced about the affection these characters show toward each other at all. It all feels random.
Very good episode, we see how the crimson knights were founded and why Crim left it.
All in all, Subaru disbanding the group was the right thing to do, as both her and Silver Knight were starting to take real life matters into the game (Subaru with her attachment towards Tsukasa which led to her ignoring the biggest threat The World was facing and SK with his jannie power trip, wanting to be granted the powers of a sys admin, even though he was supposed to be just a regular player), which was completely antithetical to group's purpose to preserve order in The World.
Also, with the reveal that Subaru is wheelchair-bound and with her logging in at unusual times, makes me believe that she spends most of her time inside the game as a form of escapism. With that in mind, I imagine she was also probably labelled as a "cripple" by other people inside the game at some point, which for her is even more hurtful of a term.