10 MIND BLOWING MISTAKES Sellers Make Selling on eBay!

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • The first 1000 people to use the link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: skl.sh/lindeyg...
    Do you want to make money online by selling on eBay? Today I want to talk about the biggest mistakes I see sellers making when they start selling on eBay. Let's talk in detail about all these things so you can fix any mistakes and start making more money from home! Don't fret - mistakes mean you are learning! I have personally made HUNDREDS of mistakes while selling eBay so I am no stranger to these. We are all just doing our best so let's get better on eBay together!
    Do you want to learn how to make money from home working online? Make sure to subscribe and follow my journey as I grow my e-commerce business by selling on eBay! I'll share all of my tips and tricks to help you grow as well. Making money from home has always been a dream for me and I know it could be a dream for you too. I'd love it if you joined me!
    Thank you to SkillShare for sponsoring this video. All of the opinions on products are mine. I only recommend products and services that I believe to be beneficial to my viewers and my reviews are always honest and true. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising.
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Комментарии • 331

  • @LindeyGlenn
    @LindeyGlenn  4 года назад +20

    The first 1000 people to use the link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: skl.sh/lindeyglenn10202

    • @tardeliesmagic
      @tardeliesmagic 4 года назад

      Hi,i have a buyer who paid for an item,he didn't read my description properly,i described it as collection/pick up only.He wanted it posted as i'm a great guy.....i agreed.But the buyer say he hasn't got the money for p&p...he's had over 2 weeks now to send a paypal payment or other means,thinks he's playing around,i'm new to ebay as i'm selling stuff i had for many years.I've made a complaint to ebay/opened a dispute.What should i do now or wait for,and when can i leave feedback? Thanks.

    • @semperfi-1918
      @semperfi-1918 3 года назад

      Trust me my death pile.... well.... i have a lot to catch up on. I am no longer sourcing until i get my selling up andnstuff moving.

    • @MariaGomez-oz5qp
      @MariaGomez-oz5qp 3 года назад +1

      I did subscribe but it doesn't let you see any beside the introduction... not good

    • @semperfi-1918
      @semperfi-1918 3 года назад

      @@MariaGomez-oz5qp click view channel at bottom.

    • @johnjeffreys6440
      @johnjeffreys6440 2 года назад +1

      Sometimes when I go to a bin to retrieve a sold item, I'll move an old item to get to the one that sold, and then I'll sell the item I touched to move---later that day. Coincidence?

  • @johndias6614
    @johndias6614 3 года назад +16

    My whole house is a "death pile"... that's why I started selling on Ebay. I can go into any room of my house and source product.

  • @FadedTag
    @FadedTag 4 года назад +50

    I think you missed the number 1 most important thing sellers do wrong. Not listening to Lindy! Thanks for the great tips.

    • @mediahits9683
      @mediahits9683 4 года назад +1

      I liked that thumbnail pic too!

  • @69ratm
    @69ratm Год назад

    You absolutely nail it 26:25 in the video. That happened to me just the other day. Freaked me out. Except it wasn't eyeliner or even cosmetics.

  • @mmaries9052
    @mmaries9052 4 года назад +3

    you have the law of attraction working for you... I just started selling and when I make a comment or a pay attention to something out of the blue... it’s sells😊 The universe does have our back!

  • @deeannadavis
    @deeannadavis 4 года назад +4

    I always keep about a weeks worth of unlisted inventory (about 50 items for me) just in case I’m sick or there is bad weather or some other reason I am unable to go sourcing. But I do gradually list those items so that I don’t have the same 50 items sitting on my listing table. And about half of my items that sell are from best offers. It’s usually someone who just wanted to save a dollar or two, so totally worth it in my opinion.

  • @xrebeccarnx
    @xrebeccarnx 4 года назад +5

    Lindey you are a blessing to us newbies. I can’t thank you enough for shortening my learning curve. Keep em coming. I’m in!

  • @johnbrennan7175
    @johnbrennan7175 3 года назад +1

    You are the best!!!!. I've learnt so much from you over the last few days, so now you are my first and only person to follow and learn almost every time. A "HUGE" thank you from a UK eBay book seller.

  • @MrsTimeKillsHearts
    @MrsTimeKillsHearts 4 года назад +6

    Lindey, you are a gift to us. Thank you for this, I needed it today. I honestly had zero clue about death piles, but boy do I have them. I legitimately have BOXES of baby clothes and cloth diapers and such to sell just piled under my photo table waiting to be photographed and listed...it stresses me out..I thought it was me being lazy and overwhelmed. I think the only way through it is through it, so I'm gonna work on that today! Thank you!

  • @faust310
    @faust310 4 года назад +3

    Ha ha I have definitely have gone into the storage business over the years. I have consolidated it down to a few 10x20's but really do need more space. I don't even try to sell anything anymore but like you said the I love the rush of sourcing always have since I was a young boy. Good basic, straight to the point info you would think more people would just understand this but guess they overlook the simplicity of it all. Thanks for sharing

    • @cynthiamcinvale1986
      @cynthiamcinvale1986 4 года назад +2

      I have a friend who loves to source! I am TERRIBLE at it, and not at all a fan of shopping in general. She goes to all the yard sales, brings the items to me and I list. We split the profit 50/50. Maybe you could find someone to consign with?

  • @baddragon213
    @baddragon213 4 года назад +11

    I did damn near all of these when I started. It’s a miracle I’m still in business. Cool video .👍🏻

  • @KevinF21225
    @KevinF21225 4 года назад +3

    The problem with the 5$ profit items is if it take months to sell then your paying a re listing few each month....that's a big problem, you have to monitor things like that

  • @VickyLatorreArt
    @VickyLatorreArt 4 года назад +2

    I love your videos. I'm so happy I found you. I thought I will never be able to learn enough to try again but you have changed my view. Thanks. I have a question if you don't mind. Do you have a video where you explain or talk more about the sell-through rate? The part where you talk and explain the math during the sample of selling the candle had me very interested. Thanks again.

  • @vicki5472
    @vicki5472 3 года назад +3

    Great video! I haven't even listed one item yet and I have 200 plus items to list. Just realized I can't list them all because they limit you in the beginning. Also I am so nervous filling out the list item section. What if I get the shipping wrong or returns or miss something or take lousy picture or.............. oh boy!

  • @silverhairstacker8664
    @silverhairstacker8664 4 года назад +3

    Hi Lindey! Yeah, this video is not just for new sellers. It's good for us who have been selling a long time to hear this stuff again! Me, for instance, I have the skill and bankroll to buy way more than I can list. So my DEATHPILE is always stressing the storage areas. So I need to quit buying! Thanks for the reminder. Love you girl!

  • @keithemmons3232
    @keithemmons3232 4 года назад +3

    I definitely over source...and do have a huge 'death pile'...but keep in mind that I have very few ways to source in the winter months (garage and estate sales dry up in the winter, and thrift stores are too expensive here). So that pile of stuff keeps me going through the cold months.

  • @PatriciaT-Maryland
    @PatriciaT-Maryland 4 года назад +1

    Thanks you shared a lot. And confirmed my suspicions about how to do some things

  • @budgetedgoods
    @budgetedgoods 4 года назад +1

    You are absolutely right about looking over inventory!! Just yesterday I was looking at creams and while watching your video I got sale on a face cream!!!! This was not the first time, I go over in look what I have or just move stuff.. Its weird 😁

  • @francoalfaro7750
    @francoalfaro7750 Год назад +1

    THANK YOU!!!! I Always Enjoy Your Videos

  • @chezammestickle4254
    @chezammestickle4254 4 года назад +1

    I never Get close to more than I can list in week. I put it on porch for couple days and begin with easy stuff and get that up for weekend. Then I want the porch clear so it gets cleared up. I did have a reverse death pile, stuff I took off listing after getting experience and left for a month or more, then took it to Salvation Army. They had a contact less deposit and seemed grateful. Something that’s not quite valuable enough to ship may still be repurposed.thank you for video

  • @ninjakris3004
    @ninjakris3004 Год назад +1

    Great content. Easy to listen to and understand, even easier on the eyes 😉 thank you!

  • @bettydarling2445
    @bettydarling2445 4 года назад +5

    Great Ideas. I am guilty of not checking the sell through rate. Just this week I started to bundle 10 or so similar product type listings into 2 lots and hope I can make a few bucks off it just to get it out! One comment on not accepting best offers, is that if you are new and do not have a lot of feedback yet, unscrupulous buyers will look for you to low ball or worse return used merchandise. I think not accepting best offers is OK for a brand new store or seller, but when feedback is established then change to accept best offers.

  • @frontrangeflips1719
    @frontrangeflips1719 4 года назад +4

    Love it! I mentioned some Teletubbies boots I have had for a few months in one of my videos and they sold the next morning. I think there might be something to that!

  • @tishthedish7684
    @tishthedish7684 4 года назад +2

    Love it! I think you kicked ass on this one LINDEY! 💯👍❤️👏👏👏. 😁. GREAT advice. Lol. I’m following & feel good - on track then almost- except for 2 of those. I’ll get er done.
    Thank you so much !

  • @amyk3020
    @amyk3020 2 года назад

    You have such great practical advice that can be used in any sales position. You are savvy businesswoman. Like your content so glad I found you. Thank you

  • @djshaneb123
    @djshaneb123 4 года назад +2

    More excellent advise from Trendy Lindey! I love your enthusiasm!

  • @shopepicgifts9468
    @shopepicgifts9468 4 года назад +4

    How do you check the sale through rate on eBay?

  • @cynthiamcinvale1986
    @cynthiamcinvale1986 4 года назад +3

    I may be guilty of stepping over $1 to pick up 10¢. I just decided to do that this morning. But I'm still hoping that I'm working on good strategy. My plan is this... Every day I check for items that are ending. Items with no watchers are ended. If they have had a lot of views, I re-evaluate the price and relist. If they haven't had a lot of views, but I think it should be selling, I work on improving the title, pics, etc. and relist. If they haven't had hardly any views, I check for errors or popularity, but it usually gets pulled for the yard sale. At the same time, when I source, I'm looking for items that will have a faster sell thru rate to replenish the store. And right now, I'm trying to stay within the free listings I am allotted because I can't afford to spend all my profits on listing items that won't sell. I lost my job in May, so this is really important to me. I'm a top rated seller, but I still feel like a beginner, so I appreciate any and all advice!

    • @Sebastian-Bash
      @Sebastian-Bash 4 года назад +1

      Wow, this is such good insight and I love the strategy. Definitely going to apply this. Thanks for sharing

  • @JimiHL
    @JimiHL Год назад

    The part about oversourcing and a deathpile rwally applies to me. I love finding "money" on the shelves, but I don't love listing. I've had to stop though, and now I'm trying to list my deathpile. And it's tough not to go out and thrift.

  • @treasurehunt7812
    @treasurehunt7812 4 года назад +6

    I have no affiliation to skillshare but it is the bomb! Especially when you consider the cost of university, you can get a university education for next to nothing.

  • @michellecastaneda4104
    @michellecastaneda4104 4 года назад +4

    I list everything I source before I source again. My thoughts are if I buy something but don't list it, by the time I list it, I may not get the money out of it like I would have when I first got it

  • @kendra_favoritetreasuresresale
    @kendra_favoritetreasuresresale 4 года назад +3

    Great info. Thanks for the “ keep on track” motivation too. Thx for what you do. :)

  • @jenniferschadler264
    @jenniferschadler264 4 года назад +2

    Lindy -you’ve inspired me to grow this to a viable business- I’ve learned so much from you- thank you. New loyal fan - Jen Schadler ps - also love your products. Have questions- will try to ask on next live video! Rock on!

  • @carissamccarthy
    @carissamccarthy 2 года назад

    Thank you!! Very helpful

  • @mrsunshine2322
    @mrsunshine2322 2 года назад

    Love sourcing but me favorite is the done listed see my shelves full

  • @sboutlaw2007
    @sboutlaw2007 4 года назад +1

    Great video Lindey...really enjoyed the topics you covered. I don't think this only applies to new sellers but also to some of us who have been around awhile.

  • @justderbylane9322
    @justderbylane9322 4 года назад +10

    Why are you calling me out with this first one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    I’m happy to inspire a video even if it is about mistakes 💕

  • @debbiem7323
    @debbiem7323 11 месяцев назад

    Whoa that's so crazy same thing happens to me. If I haven't sold something in years and I look at it and touch it or whatever next thing you know it sells and like you this has happened numerous times, its crazy. I am glad to hear i'm not alone. LOL

  • @tambij
    @tambij 2 года назад +1

    Yes. I’m ready. Bring it Girl 👍

  • @wahinefishgirl
    @wahinefishgirl 4 года назад +1

    Love your videos! They are so motivational… I’m going to go tackle a death pile now LOL

  • @Michigan-thrifter
    @Michigan-thrifter 2 года назад

    You mentioned looking at your inventory, I was just talking to my buddy about shipping jeans at usps priority weight vs flat rate envelope and boom I sold 4 pairs of jeans within 2 days and hadn't sold any jeans in weeks prior..

  • @lydiaabellbradbery7049
    @lydiaabellbradbery7049 4 года назад +1

    Nice video! I watched your videos when I first started over a year ago. Thank you for helping me with the basics of getting started. I’m still using the bread bags from Walmart to store my items as you suggested and it works great. I’m now back to learn more from you. I just subscribed to your channel again. I am now looking into selling on other platforms other than ebay like Poshmart. Maybe you have a video about that already? I will look because all I do on Poshmart is share and follow but I’m not selling anything!Thanks for the videos!

  • @ronda7340
    @ronda7340 4 года назад

    I absolutely love you!!!! You are so knowledgeable in what you're doing, and then to pass it on is such a humungous help...to me anyway...and I greatly appreciate all you do to help your fellow fish in the sea....thanks again...o and idk if theres a video yet about ebay changing how we get paid from paypal to ebay but this could very well put me outta business...which it has done for now...happy selling everyone and good luck to all❣❣❣

  • @abil828
    @abil828 3 года назад

    Awesome video! I am guilty of over sourcing. I will stop now.

  • @amywentzel4214
    @amywentzel4214 4 года назад

    I know this video is a bit older -- I just discovered your channel this week! I have to comment about the idea that opening the app or do something in ebay and you will get a sale! Most times when I finish printing shipping labels I will have a sale within minutes! And looking at your inventory? !! I can't tell you how many times I have said to my husband, "I thought this item would sell more quickly" and within hours it sells! So yes, I go through my inventory and say outloud "I wish you would sell" or "I thought this would sell quickly" - and BAM! It sells a few hours a later. Crazy, yet true!

  • @mrsunshine2322
    @mrsunshine2322 2 года назад

    Every penny goes to my business until I I love the sku#/ month listing tip . Trying that out I like seeing what slow or fast seller

  • @Chuckdoors
    @Chuckdoors 4 года назад

    Very good content,thank you! I recently subscribed to your channel. I wish i had more time to watch more content. I was currently finding myslef in the sourcing situation,but not anymore:).

  • @Gokuedits3239
    @Gokuedits3239 4 года назад

    lindey thanks for the straight forward approach i trust your judgment as it is true even me a new seller loved your shipping advice i would love to hear and learn more mistakes you have made i understand there is 38 sides to ebay selling or more but .....

  • @cryptogames299
    @cryptogames299 4 года назад +1

    Each one of your vids gets better and better. Love all your vids, keepem coming🤑

  • @cherylrogers9845
    @cherylrogers9845 4 года назад +3

    You nailed it in this video. Thank you Lindsey. I am a shopaholic. It is hard to admit. I need to know my limits.

  • @jessicacolvin6360
    @jessicacolvin6360 4 года назад

    This video was soooooo helpful to me. Truly. Thank you. New subscriber here

  • @danices2842
    @danices2842 4 года назад +1

    Absolutely loved your video!!! I know you talked about using the best offer option, which I have started recently doing. However, I wanted to know would you recommend sending offers to watchers on items? Does that really work?

  • @Domesticenergy
    @Domesticenergy 2 года назад

    you are doing an amazing job helping small businesses across the world. I was recently struggling on achieving consistent sales on eBay and found your research/ information quite useful. recently I got out of a job and my main income suddenly become ebay. Now, I have realized why it's important to have a passive income besides your regular job and ebay is an amazing platform, indeed. Thank you once again and keep up the good work.

  • @norvintolsk1590
    @norvintolsk1590 4 года назад

    Awesome content, well thought out, very useful. Many thanks!

  • @jasonsmith1013
    @jasonsmith1013 4 года назад

    I really appreciate the information you share with us. Great stuff and many thanks Lindey.

  • @mikeyj7990
    @mikeyj7990 4 года назад

    Thanks for all the helpful advice. I have learned a lot from your vids and love your money-saving shipping tips. I recommend to anyone starting to sell to watch your videos first. It will save them time and money. You rock!

  • @keepthemomentum
    @keepthemomentum 3 года назад

    Informative and entertaining! Especially the last few minutes of the video when discussing stepping over dollars to pick up dimes. I play a lot of videos at 1.5 times the normal speed so I can watch more efficiently and it definitely made that last section quite animated. :D Lots of fun. Good video!

  • @tunnellfamilyhappening
    @tunnellfamilyhappening 4 года назад +2

    You’re so funny... I will admit it I’m guilty on the last one ...I stepped over the dollar to pick up the dime ...don’t ask me why ...I’m new with this too ..,I’m guilty LOL but you said that’s so funny I’m sitting here laughing you made my day...lol

  • @christaclemons1455
    @christaclemons1455 4 года назад +2

    How do you check sell through rate?

  • @MariaGomez-oz5qp
    @MariaGomez-oz5qp 3 года назад

    I'm selling on Ebay from 2002 and I find very interesting tips on your videos, thank you! you are not crazy I go around my warehouse and I touch stuff and next day they sell, It is unbelievable.

  • @cayleyelaine
    @cayleyelaine 4 года назад +4

    Wow...way to call me out on the over sourcing 🤣 lol just kidding!

  • @Rapunzel122-s9w
    @Rapunzel122-s9w 4 года назад

    Awesome video with great energy. I’m a new seller that’s doing good and I’m learning every day by researching and watching videos like you shared. I am guilty of a death pile and will hit it today, lol. Thanks for the video filled with awesome new seller information.

  • @khoyle504
    @khoyle504 3 года назад

    I’m not sure! It was not made clear! Should I pick up the dollar? 😂 Great video, will recommend to many on fb sites im on!

  • @jamiesunnysue3728
    @jamiesunnysue3728 4 года назад +1

    Love your energy girl!

  • @SakuraButterfly13
    @SakuraButterfly13 4 года назад +4

    Ok guilty for oversourcing 😅 I’m just starting out and need to start somewhere. Plus retail therapy has taken over 😂

  • @candicel.jackson7960
    @candicel.jackson7960 4 года назад

    Phenomenal I do 1 of these. Spend the profit but I also use it for more inventory

  • @texfactortracy3219
    @texfactortracy3219 4 года назад +10

    Lindey you need to make a merch shirt that says in all caps "PICK UP THE DOLLAR"

  • @eclectorama.brisbane
    @eclectorama.brisbane 4 года назад

    That was fantastic and so helpful - thank you!

  • @sweettina2
    @sweettina2 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much Lindey, you're the best!

  • @karencross5945
    @karencross5945 4 года назад +5

    Great video! How can I determine the sell through rates?

    • @sherrifairman8419
      @sherrifairman8419 4 года назад

      Do you need to have a store to find sell thru rates?

    • @sawcheryl
      @sawcheryl 4 года назад

      She said so in the video. You’re not looking for exact numbers. You’re looking at how many are active and how many have in the last 90 days.
      However you can figure it, instead of just glancing.
      How many are for sale? 10,000 How many sold 10. Equals horrible sell through.
      For sale: 100 Sold: 50 = 50% sell through. This is good.
      For sale: 100 Sold: 200. WOOHOO This should sell quickly.

  • @pennieduff2474
    @pennieduff2474 4 года назад +1

    Selling an item I just looked at it thought about happens to me ALL THE TIME!! It's almost creepy! But, great idea!! I'm going to go look at my inventory right now!!! :)

  • @delsakelly1456
    @delsakelly1456 3 года назад

    Make sense. Thank you.

  • @FlippinAintEasy
    @FlippinAintEasy 4 года назад

    Excellent Video and Tips! Keep up the great work in helping other sellers! That's what its all about! - Flippin Aint Easy

  • @gildathury7784
    @gildathury7784 4 года назад

    Wonderful video! THANK-YOU

  • @keto4life649
    @keto4life649 4 года назад +1

    I only do Best offer on select items. I'm kinda liking the ability to send my own offers every day. I've been having a lot of success lately with sending offers around 10% off to people that have already viewed the listing and are truly interested. I think I'm goin to back away from Best Offer and Push the "Send Offer" Really Hard for the next two months and see what happens.

    • @samb4697
      @samb4697 3 года назад

      I believe selling on eBay is extremely difficult because you are competing with millions of sellers, plus you have to put about 70 hours
      a week just to find items, to place ads, to shit them, deal with returns, deal with emails, fake buyers and lots more. It's possible to make $80 a month on eBay, but you still have to put time into it.

  • @TexasCache
    @TexasCache 4 года назад

    Lindey - Words can not express my gratitude for all your great advice! THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge. On a side note, I can't click on the bell for notifications due to you currently have it set to content made for kids. Once you change the setting, we should be able to subscribe to be informed of your live casts. PS -- I'm taking to heart pick up the dollar and forget the dime.

    • @LindeyGlenn
      @LindeyGlenn  4 года назад

      That is very strange! My entire channel is set to “NOT for kids” and eat video is defaulted to not made for kids. I wonder if it’s just a glitch at the moment?? I’ll double check my settings but this is the first I’ve ever heard this issue!
      And thank you for your support! ❤️

  • @reneehenrichs4538
    @reneehenrichs4538 4 года назад +2

    Very good info. I have definitely made many of those mistakes on my reselling journey. Happy to report that I am getting smarter and finally starting to make some money. I have totally been guilty of sourcing more than selling. I guess that's been one good thing the pandemic has provided; less desire to go out and source. I am thankful for my death pile this year, but am working hard to flip it into CASH!

  • @barbararamos5824
    @barbararamos5824 4 года назад

    Great video Lindey!! Thank you! Loving the "The bags under her eyes are designer"

  • @swizzmis
    @swizzmis 4 года назад

    As always great tips and helpful information

  • @blitzb4
    @blitzb4 4 года назад

    Oh man, you got me and nearly described me to a T ... I love to source and have a humongous death pile... I talk myself into buying more thinking stuff like "Maybe there will be another shutdown and i won't be able to source" or I think i might miss a great deal someone else will get...
    It is a real struggle... Dopamine is real on these...
    But garage sales are almost done, just a few scattered ones now... This week (since my funds are low) I have really tried to focus on staying out of stores and garage sales..

    • @vaderladyl
      @vaderladyl 4 года назад

      It can be addictive, for sure.

  • @godbluffvdgg
    @godbluffvdgg 4 года назад

    Thanks for the helpful tips...I'm sure they can help sellers...I only sell things over 25 bucks; I get them for free most often, so it's all profit...Balancing Shipping with expenses and time are my problems...I hooked up with Pirate shipping, hopefully that saves some bottom line...

  • @JustMe-qe2ki
    @JustMe-qe2ki 3 года назад

    Thank you so much 🌸🌸

  • @janetcooke384
    @janetcooke384 4 года назад

    Great list, thanks for the assist.

  • @GMLGardener
    @GMLGardener 4 года назад

    Love your videos. The best.

  • @chimoko_wendz
    @chimoko_wendz 4 года назад

    Guiltyyy.... am so guilty about focusing on small things , true, agree that it takes so much energy focusing on this things...
    Thank you for waking me up.

  • @MamaYeti118
    @MamaYeti118 4 года назад

    Fabulous video! I have been guilty of some of these in the past, especially when starting out!
    I still am guilty of buying more than I can handle 😬. Thank you for the tough love!

  • @georgeahamnos5015
    @georgeahamnos5015 3 года назад

    I love her video. I just started 3 months ago.

  • @thisoverstuffedhouse
    @thisoverstuffedhouse 4 года назад +1

    Hahaha. My entire house is a death pile. Why? Because i inherited a house that came with three storage units full of stuff! As I cleared those out I then was downsized out of a job and then, over the last 6 years, inherited two more estates or parts of estates. I no longer have the storage unit but I have the last of the last unit in my living room and the other things inherited are in boxes all over this place. You may laugh but you can see some of it in one of my early videos. I source now for a break now and then as I had spent the last year selling almost nothing but books I inherited. What I have is a warning to you all. Do not over source!

  • @pjpalmer6922
    @pjpalmer6922 4 года назад

    Great info here as always Lindey!!!

  • @Emc-sj8uk
    @Emc-sj8uk Год назад +1

    I don't know what happened with my ebay. I was selling daily as a private seller then i changed to business. Sadly my sales plummeted and the business is barely making anything. I started another shop and it is booming. I won't go business again on this one.

  • @jonifredericks1613
    @jonifredericks1613 4 года назад

    Great info for this new reseller! Thank you!!!

  • @ricknelson610
    @ricknelson610 2 года назад

    That's me! I am sourcing too much! Time to list lol. Thank you!

  • @johnscannell4189
    @johnscannell4189 4 года назад

    Hi Lindey! Just subscribed and cannot wait to(try to)catch up on your videos. Best to you...John.

    • @LindeyGlenn
      @LindeyGlenn  4 года назад +1

      Thank you so much!! Welcome! 🤗

  • @garrettsv
    @garrettsv 3 года назад

    You are the BEST!!

  • @nellstreasurebox
    @nellstreasurebox 4 года назад

    Just saying, you are an inspiration to keeping me motivated! Thank you!

  • @AlauriaAB
    @AlauriaAB 4 года назад

    I have had the same thing happen lol - just last week I looked at a few things "wonder why you aren't selling yet..?" And they sold within a day or so lol my sales have really picked up lately. I'm still not selling much of the stuff I bought from WN last month though. Really odd. I'm playing with listings today while watching your video haha

  • @ldorsey5111
    @ldorsey5111 4 года назад

    Great Video Lindey! Thank you!

  • @Rocky-N-Angel
    @Rocky-N-Angel 4 года назад

    I will question an item and POOOF it sells shortly there after. I also go through my listings daily. I must be just as crazy as you because I do a lot of the same things. Thanks for the info and video content. I love the channel.

  • @shopepicgifts9468
    @shopepicgifts9468 4 года назад

    Thanks for the info!

  • @B-24Liberator
    @B-24Liberator 4 года назад +11

    Those 30 cents per item per month add up when your making very little.