Over 40? Rethink wearing these 2025 Fashion Trends!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 864

    @ANNAREID29  Месяц назад +15

    Personalized, compassionate, virtual care for perimenopause, menopause, and more, covered by insurance in all 50 states. Book your first visit here: bit.ly/MidiANNA

    • @kimberlyyetta2332
      @kimberlyyetta2332 3 дня назад

      What is this??🙄 Is your niche fashion for older women or are you doing thoughts on mid life crisis now? Which thing??
      I find your outfits kind of boring and Mom or Grandma looking. Next.

  • @nicolesweere4182
    @nicolesweere4182 Месяц назад +575

    I've never heard that ballet flats have an age limit. They're a classic. Ballet flats with jeans and a Coco Chanel-inspired jacket is instant sophistication. I wear them in place of sneakers with everything.

    • @denisedorsey2889
      @denisedorsey2889 Месяц назад +16

      She clarifies later that she’s referring to the Mary Jane style of ballet flats.

    • @nicolesweere4182
      @nicolesweere4182 Месяц назад +92

      There's really no difference in my opinion. In the video, she's wearing ballet flats. Over the years, she's talked so many times about ballet flats being in or out of style. They're never out of style. They're like a little black dress. Some will disagree, but think of Jackie O, Audrey Hepburn, Chanel, etc. These women wore them in different decades.

    • @sunshinehaydeeify
      @sunshinehaydeeify Месяц назад +17

      Agree I always have a pair around you just never know and it depends how a person style them.

    • @dsch3241
      @dsch3241 Месяц назад +15

      Me too. I hate sneakers ( on myself) and I hate socks, so flats and Mary Jane’s in the winter are my go to.

    • @LuMik12-4
      @LuMik12-4 Месяц назад

      @@nicolesweere4182so what! Get your own channel 😊

  • @jodyrhoton1878
    @jodyrhoton1878 Месяц назад +69

    The biggest thing to stop wearing is other people’s opinions. If you like a garment or it makes you feel good, wear it

    • @alexmartin328
      @alexmartin328 25 дней назад +1

      WELL SAID!! i dislike it when people want to put style in a box. some 40 year olds and older look very nice for there age and dress nice in there own style❤

  • @jilldumesnil9392
    @jilldumesnil9392 Месяц назад +369

    I just turned 59 and will never give up my Birkenstocks or mary janes!

    • @kathleenludricks3289
      @kathleenludricks3289 Месяц назад +21

      Me neither and I’m 75!

    • @LuMik12-4
      @LuMik12-4 Месяц назад +12

      Like she said, wear what you like

    • @Pookie__53
      @Pookie__53 Месяц назад +5


    • @PJwithheart
      @PJwithheart Месяц назад +14

      Absolutely! This person is way too concerned with what others will think about her.

    • @marlatodd1399
      @marlatodd1399 Месяц назад +3

      Thank you. I agree 1000%. Both are comfortable and cute. I live in them. Got my first pair of Birks in 1980. They last forever. And EVERYONE compliments me on how I dress.

  • @aidastanco2945
    @aidastanco2945 Месяц назад +204

    I cannot stress this enough, wear what you love, no matter what anyone says or thinks. If it makes you happy then that is all that matters.❤😊

    • @tinajoneswilliams4253
      @tinajoneswilliams4253 Месяц назад +7

      Curious why you thought that comment advanced the conversation on trends?

    • @littlemom2070
      @littlemom2070 Месяц назад +5

      You just repeated what the content creator emphasized at the beginning of the video.

    • @lisabehun1696
      @lisabehun1696 Месяц назад +2

      Exactly, you just may not look good in it.

    • @jeangenie5179
      @jeangenie5179 Месяц назад +1

      @lisabehun1696 yes, perfectly said, lol

    • @edennis8578
      @edennis8578 Месяц назад +1

      So why are you here? Just trolling? And btw, I vehemently disagree. If you don't mind being offensive, or looking foolish, or hurting your career or your marriage, then go ahead and wear whatever you want.

  • @smiller1363
    @smiller1363 Месяц назад +163

    We are forty and Not dead, I think each individual she wear what empowers them and makes them feel beautiful!

    • @pce12345
      @pce12345 Месяц назад +1


    • @pce12345
      @pce12345 Месяц назад +5

      I don't get into these sorts of rules. Like you say up to the individual

    • @christinehutchins123
      @christinehutchins123 Месяц назад +4

      Of course its up to the individual! No one is coming to your house to make you change! These are suggestions for people that want them!

    • @ladonnabarker2983
      @ladonnabarker2983 Месяц назад +1

      Yep, that is what she said several times.

    • @ladonnabarker2983
      @ladonnabarker2983 Месяц назад

      I have not got into the Mary Jane flats or ballet flats trend. I’d rather wear fashion sneakers instead.

  • @marmar.654
    @marmar.654 Месяц назад +102

    I have heard so many times that women over 40 should not wear long hair. I have never agreed with this statement. I think that if a woman has beautiful hair and can take care of it, wear it as long as you can and want regardless of age! Great video Anna! Thank you!

    • @minervarose7664
      @minervarose7664 Месяц назад +5

      It's funny, because in my part of the world long hair is seen as "traditional" on a woman. So a shorter hairstyle is considered "acceptable" on a child/ young woman but after 40 or so a woman wearing short (or coloured!) hair is "trying too hard", "trying to be modern" etc!!
      So basically it just goes to show that their isn't really any logic in many of these "rules" at all, more like women over 40 are supposed to blend into the furniture, i suppose 😂

    • @marisadejesus4297
      @marisadejesus4297 Месяц назад +8

      Jane Seymour, now in her 70's, comes to mind-always beautiful and classy and has always had long, gorgeous hair.

    • @kateoc8
      @kateoc8 Месяц назад

      I think thats very old fadgiined as am attitude....from a time when our nanas had short , tight perms....

    • @mermaidwanders240
      @mermaidwanders240 Месяц назад +1

      Women in their 40’s -60’s can still get away with long hair. When they hit 70 most just stick with short hair styles - probably because their hairs are thinning and turning grey, short hair might be easier to manage at that age.

    • @omegasobsessions
      @omegasobsessions Месяц назад +3

      I went short as I was sick of styling my long hair so it always ended up in a clip or a pony.

  • @SBryerman
    @SBryerman Месяц назад +110

    Bally flats are a must. I'm over 60 and I lived in them last year. I will definitely still be wearing them this year as they are my most comfortable footwear. Kitten heels for most dressy occasions but otherwise unless sandal weather it is ballet flats or sneakers all the way.

    • @ANNAREID29
      @ANNAREID29  Месяц назад +7

      Me too! The ballet flat revolution made my footwear game so much better ❤️❤️

    • @FiddlersThree
      @FiddlersThree Месяц назад +3

      I love Bally shoes, too. A great company that has been making top quality shoes for decades. I had a pair of Bally pumps for years and years -- a little pricey but well worth it for the quality.

    • @eiremerald
      @eiremerald Месяц назад


    • @omegasobsessions
      @omegasobsessions Месяц назад

      @@eiremeraldI think she is trying to say ballet.

    • @SBryerman
      @SBryerman 27 дней назад

      @ auto correct when using voice :)

  • @jenstale
    @jenstale Месяц назад +197

    I’m 56. I grew up with only old hippies wearing Birkenstocks - so to have someone try to say that they are for young people- is so misinformed

    • @kellycook4347
      @kellycook4347 Месяц назад +20

      They are for everyone who likes them.

    • @LindaKayHolevas
      @LindaKayHolevas Месяц назад +8

      She said that she thought they were for everyone! 😊

    • @Littleone124
      @Littleone124 Месяц назад +8

      I can't see me ever hitting an age where I'll give up my birkenstocks. I'm currently in my mid 40s.

    • @PrairieGirlio
      @PrairieGirlio Месяц назад +3

      There are so many styles and colours of Birkenstocks now....I don't wear the original style shown in the video but I love other styles

    • @tquirkyt7118
      @tquirkyt7118 Месяц назад +1

      I’m 57…wear my birkies…love them, but not with everything 😂

  • @dawnrhoads8794
    @dawnrhoads8794 Месяц назад +117

    I started wearing my mini skirts at 51 years old, also started running 20 miles a week. So I look great in them.

    • @irenec2072
      @irenec2072 Месяц назад +4

      I love mini skirts, and I am 44 years old. I am comfortable with them and look good 😊

    • @Light-tc8xc
      @Light-tc8xc Месяц назад +4

      Go, ladies! You deserve to feel comfortable in your skin.

    • @ritasnow6386
      @ritasnow6386 Месяц назад +3

      Congrats to you. When the legs look good a mini can look amazing. Im past that now so no monis for me. Maybe just above the knee tho

    • @sbcaliforniakitty
      @sbcaliforniakitty Месяц назад

      When you say miniskirt… How short?? I live in California “anything goes”..and unless you go to the gym all the time and or play tennis a short short miniskirt should be left on the tennis courts

    • @LisaEllis-rt3xh
      @LisaEllis-rt3xh Месяц назад

      I wish I could wear a mini skirt! 😊

  • @Dr_Nutrition
    @Dr_Nutrition Месяц назад +140

    Windbreakers or parkas over an evening dress or “fancy” clothes is one of the stupidest “trends” they could try to push. A huge no!

    • @lezlier.6679
      @lezlier.6679 Месяц назад +12

      I know, right? I swear they just sit in a room laughing wondering what ridiculous thing they could come up with next to get the puppets to wear because they think all of us are so desperate to fit in that we’ll do anything. Not.

    • @Pookie__53
      @Pookie__53 Месяц назад +8

      It’s hideous! So tacky.

    • @ellehampton8804
      @ellehampton8804 Месяц назад +3

      I’d feel silly. I do love a windbreaker over a tee in the spring or for a summer rain shower.

    • @peterlangendorff9846
      @peterlangendorff9846 Месяц назад

      That what mink is for!

    • @JennyeMiller
      @JennyeMiller Месяц назад +1

      It’s ridiculous!

  • @citygirl2808
    @citygirl2808 Месяц назад +146

    73 and still rocking the mini's. Of course, not quite as mini as the ones I wore at 23!

    • @letteb.4594
      @letteb.4594 Месяц назад +9

      I think that’s great! Why not!!

    • @leghornlife
      @leghornlife Месяц назад +3


    • @citygirl2808
      @citygirl2808 Месяц назад

      @@letteb.4594 tu!

    • @lookwhatiboughttoday
      @lookwhatiboughttoday Месяц назад

      It's SO hard to get a "mini" skirt long enough for me now - anything below 19 inches feels wrong (I'm 5ft7)

    • @sandyfisbeck9488
      @sandyfisbeck9488 Месяц назад +4

      Good for you! I'm 68 and love my minis

  • @Pookie__53
    @Pookie__53 Месяц назад +130

    45 and love ballet flats. You’re wilding.

  • @suz632
    @suz632 Месяц назад +93

    Windbreaker over evening wear looks like walk of shame! 😮😂

    • @ANNAREID29
      @ANNAREID29  Месяц назад +9

      😂😂😂😂😂 omg the best comment 😂😂

    • @vanessaandreatta9098
      @vanessaandreatta9098 Месяц назад

      Windbreaker it's my go to... I use my bike on a daily basis. I am almost 40 and ppl think I am 26...
      But it's my lifestyle that makes it work.
      If you wear random things because it's on trend but it's not in the right time and place, it would be obvious you are trying to look younger...like boomer using alpha words sounds cringe.
      Mini skirt and mini dress are fine if you wear the right stocking and shoes.
      The reveling skin above the knee it's what screams "spring break girl under 21"...
      I feel we judge more then we should. I know ladies in their 70 with great lags, but they fear wardrobe malfunction too much to wear any skirt

    • @Pookie__53
      @Pookie__53 Месяц назад

      @@ANNAREID29 the ugliest possible combo.

  • @mollieanne
    @mollieanne Месяц назад +73

    I love ballet flats and will not stop wearing them. I am 55 yikes, not sure how that happened, but yeah, mostly will be sticking to the classics.

    • @merb.3576
      @merb.3576 Месяц назад +1

      You go, girl! So will I!🎉

  • @jamievaduva1708
    @jamievaduva1708 Месяц назад +27

    I’m turning 50 this week. I adore my Birkenstocks and I think I make them look effortlessly stylish. Also I have a bad toe with arthritis so they are also comfortable with that issue. :)

    • @monicataylor9977
      @monicataylor9977 Месяц назад +3

      I agree, I have osteoarthritis , bunions and a cyst on my big toe and can hardly get a shoe on most days! Love my Birkies.

  • @charlieann6321
    @charlieann6321 Месяц назад +10

    Thank you for bringing up Perimenopause 💜 Symptoms are horrific, bringing awareness, support options and getting women to talk and share their journey is empowering!

    • @vicm6561
      @vicm6561 Месяц назад

      Get yourself a good fan ! There’s my 2 cents !

    • @samanthahunter1759
      @samanthahunter1759 Месяц назад

      I'm 40 and I have recently started with hot flashes, it's winter right now I'm dreading summer!

  • @lynnpetti3817
    @lynnpetti3817 Месяц назад +89

    I’m 79 and wear ballet flats. Don’t even get why you wouldn’t.

    • @mikki3961
      @mikki3961 Месяц назад +11

      Yes!The French wear them and look how chic they are!

    • @jeangenie5179
      @jeangenie5179 Месяц назад

      @@lynnpetti3817 because they make ppl's feet look like Fred Flitstone

    • @magdlynstrouble2036
      @magdlynstrouble2036 Месяц назад +2

      I'm 69 and I had to stop wearing super flat shoes in my 50s because I need more support, but I think they look great if they're comfortable on you!

    • @Themastermindscanvas
      @Themastermindscanvas Месяц назад +2

      I love them but as a FN they don't work for my kibbe or Kitchner, they make my feet look wide and weird.

    • @reneeburich9497
      @reneeburich9497 Месяц назад +2

      I have never ever liked ballet flats. I need a wedge or heel of some sort. I’ll wear sneakers sometimes but not ballet flats. They seem frumpy to me.

  • @Sara-mr1hs
    @Sara-mr1hs Месяц назад +41

    Please do a video about pairing shoes with jeans!
    (Btw ballerina flats are my go to shoes all summer, I wear them with jeans and shorts)

  • @kristinkilbane4693
    @kristinkilbane4693 Месяц назад +34

    I’m going to say both Birkenstocks and ballet flats are just classics in American fashion now and perfectly acceptable at any age. Same for mini skirts. Agree on peep toes!

  • @nellsgirl
    @nellsgirl Месяц назад +100

    not doing Capris again! 😂😂😂

    • @Patricia-pq4jq
      @Patricia-pq4jq Месяц назад +3

      Me either

    • @Dr_Nutrition
      @Dr_Nutrition Месяц назад +5

      Same!! That trend was way too recent & I’ve learned my lesson that they just don’t look good!

    • @fuzzy7766
      @fuzzy7766 Месяц назад

      Thank God Anna mentioned this! Worst look ever, shortens legs, ugh! Just stop. Worse yet on even older ladies like me, 65.

    • @frankiefavero1666
      @frankiefavero1666 Месяц назад +5

      Agreed, they look hideous on me and on everyone else except for models and super skinny 20 year olds, no thanks!

    • @RaneeR-vx7vy
      @RaneeR-vx7vy Месяц назад +1

      only as a pj 😅

  • @jutka12
    @jutka12 Месяц назад +12

    A windbreaker with formal wear looks like you don’t dress up very often and haven’t invested in a dress coat.

  • @dsch3241
    @dsch3241 Месяц назад +16

    I love the bag charms. It’s fun. I think if it done in a way that doesn’t look obnoxious. I also love ballet flats, especially with wide leg jeans. Love the vlog

  • @sandyfisbeck9488
    @sandyfisbeck9488 Месяц назад +19

    I absolutely adore my ToryBirch ballet flats at age 68

  • @rbguerreiro2466
    @rbguerreiro2466 Месяц назад +6

    This lady is tripping. I know a 60 year old millionaire. She is the most fashionable lady I ever saw. Never a hair out of place. Understanted luxury type of girl. She wears ballet flats all the time, and she looks amazing.

  • @Tutujls
    @Tutujls Месяц назад +21

    I’m 71 and have worn Birkenstocks since they first came out in 1963. I don’t wear them everyday or with everything, but they do go with certain casual outfits. And since my neurologist has forbidden me to continue to wear high heels I have many pairs of ballet flats. Cute, comfortable, and safe.

    • @teresabarrett3266
      @teresabarrett3266 Месяц назад +1

      Hi tutu, I’ve been wearing Birkenstocks for 35+years.
      I basically wear nothing else. From sandals of course to beautiful shearling boots and everything in between.
      My feet cannot live without Birks. Happy feet makes for happy me.
      Birkenstocks are so wonderfully crafted out of the finest leathers. I love that❤

  • @betterlivingonabudget
    @betterlivingonabudget Месяц назад +49

    If a woman's skin is still smooth/tight and she has toned legs - even if over the age of 50 - what a blessing! Wear that mini skirt. Christie Brinkley comes to mind here!! But otherwise, wear black tights with it or wear skirts at-knee or just an inch-above knee.

    • @FiddlersThree
      @FiddlersThree Месяц назад +4

      I may be a bit Victorian, but I think there comes a time in a woman's life when a girlish look is inappropriate and a bit silly. A mini skirt on a woman over 40 strikes me as a little out of sync -- like putting bows in her hair. The charm of an older woman doesn't come from imitating a younger woman --- it comes from maturity, grace and knowing you don't have to let it all hang out in order to be beautiful. "Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth" says it all, I think.

    • @melaniemcneil407
      @melaniemcneil407 Месяц назад +10

      @@FiddlersThree I'm not "imitating" anyone when I wear mid-thigh length shorts. Assuming anyone's motivation is always a risky business, isn't it?

    • @FiddlersThree
      @FiddlersThree Месяц назад

      @@melaniemcneil407 Sorry, perhaps I should have said, "masquerading" as a young woman. In Britain, they call it "mutton dressed as lamb."

    • @FiddlersThree
      @FiddlersThree Месяц назад +1

      @@melaniemcneil407 Sorry. Perhaps I should have said, "masquerading" as a young woman. In Britain, they call it "mutton dressed as lamb."

    • @FiddlersThree
      @FiddlersThree Месяц назад +1

      @@melaniemcneil407 Perhaps I should have said, "masquerading" as a young woman. The British call it "mutton dressed as lamb," regardless of the.motivation.

  • @danutalesniewska9945
    @danutalesniewska9945 Месяц назад +150

    I can't believe I'm the first 😂❤ Poland here 🎉 it's my birthday today🎉 i'm 43 do i consider this film to be my birthday gift😂

    • @MR-jq4qv
      @MR-jq4qv Месяц назад +7

      Happy Birthday 🎉

    • @danastallings4257
      @danastallings4257 Месяц назад +8

      Happy birthday! Enjoy your video! 😂🎉

    • @ANNAREID29
      @ANNAREID29  Месяц назад +16

      Oh my gosh HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 43 is a great age so far welcome to the 43 club! 🙌❤️❤️❤️

    • @helencourti4474
      @helencourti4474 Месяц назад +1

      Happy Birthday!!!❤

    • @barbararupert4774
      @barbararupert4774 Месяц назад +2

      Happy birthday 🎉

  • @terrijones5311
    @terrijones5311 Месяц назад +9

    What to drop after 40? Listening to people on the internet tell you what you can’t wear after an arbitrary age.

    • @maragoodger905
      @maragoodger905 Месяц назад +1

      THIS. Hitting 40 last year was a magical switch for me and I now live my days wearing what I love and laughing and thanking people who tell me I'm cheap and tacky

  • @pippinhillhaviland1147
    @pippinhillhaviland1147 Месяц назад +55

    Bag charms are juvenile and are something a kid puts on their backpack…NEVER!

    • @lizpetruzzi7700
      @lizpetruzzi7700 Месяц назад +2

      So agree!

    • @kateoc8
      @kateoc8 Месяц назад

      A good bag needs no embellishment...

    • @InnerAlice
      @InnerAlice 3 дня назад

      Love juvenile. They sound like they would get in the way, get caught on clothing and make a lot of noise, though.

  • @boring.doerings
    @boring.doerings Месяц назад +5

    At OUR age! I think we owe nothing to anyone and guess what? LADIES WEAR WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! 😊

  • @MightyWomanOfGod9050
    @MightyWomanOfGod9050 Месяц назад +62

    I think jeans with large holes is a legit thing women over 40/50 should not wear! I myself am over them!

    • @Littleone124
      @Littleone124 Месяц назад +12

      No one should wear them. They look like they were attacked by moths.

    • @jeangenie5179
      @jeangenie5179 Месяц назад +1

      @@Littleone124 exactly

    • @therealJamieJoy
      @therealJamieJoy Месяц назад +3

      I have never worn them and i never will unless my jeans split open and I am destitute!

    • @suegordon6805
      @suegordon6805 Месяц назад +2

      I never got into distressed jeans. I want normal jeans and not look like a teenager.

    • @suegordon6805
      @suegordon6805 Месяц назад

      I think capris are ugly. I wear old navy leggings with side pockets so I can put my phone in them when I walk on the beach

  • @becm963
    @becm963 Месяц назад +48

    I like my Birkenstocks. They provide some foot support. My ballet flats, on the other hand, zero support. I still wear them in my advanced years. I like what I like.

    • @FiddlersThree
      @FiddlersThree Месяц назад +3

      I have two identical pairs of Birkenstocks -- one for indoors and one for outdoors. Perfect support, easy comfort, great for maintaining healthy feet and good posture. The outdoor pair have logged numerous miles on summer dog walks. Over the years, I have had them resoled twice.

  • @dianevioletta1408
    @dianevioletta1408 Месяц назад +30

    I have never been a Birkenstock girl but a couple of years ago I bought a pair, black patent leather with big gold buckle, and I love them! Get compliments every time I wear them. Also, I have a pair of red pointy toe Maryjane ballet flats that I have worn all over NYC and those seem to get compliments from young girls so I don’t know if I am too old? (I turn 60 next week but am often told I look much younger). My 21 year old daughter likes that I wear the Maryjane’s so I will continue to rock them.

    • @KlijnstraG
      @KlijnstraG Месяц назад +1

      Same here. 42 years old. Madrit big bucle Birkenstock . Always compliments. So beautiful and good for my feet ❤

    • @FF-WW
      @FF-WW Месяц назад +2

      I’ve been wearing them since 2012 - can’t beat them in summer and at home ❤

    • @maggiefisker994
      @maggiefisker994 Месяц назад +2

      I bought the same big buckle black ,double strap .Compliments all the time .

    • @dianevioletta1408
      @dianevioletta1408 Месяц назад

      @@maggiefisker994 they are so cute!

  • @kellyroberts7268
    @kellyroberts7268 Месяц назад +3

    Birkenstocks are timeless, quality classics!!! There is no age discrimination. They've been around for like 100 years....HELLO!!!

  • @Lutifah
    @Lutifah Месяц назад +7

    This is hilarious, I’m 39 5’8, have had 3 daughters, I work out 5-6 days a week, i have 50% muscle but still curvy.
    I probably look the same I did in my 20s probably better as I didn’t workout then I was just slim, Im very toned now. I wear anything that’s flattering. I’m not giving up anything I like just because I turn 40 this year

  • @silviasgaramella3335
    @silviasgaramella3335 Месяц назад +7

    Another thing older women are often told to not wear is long hair... which is ridiculous

  • @singlehandedbeauty3581
    @singlehandedbeauty3581 Месяц назад +2

    I love Birkenstocks and Mary Jane’s too. It’s all about how you style them. I also go for shoe styles with a slight edge that make them look a little more sophisticated.

    • @marymutti6062
      @marymutti6062 29 дней назад

      I have to wear Birkenstocks for back injury

  • @MindiB
    @MindiB Месяц назад +10

    I think those large sequins are called “paillettes” (pie-ETTS), FWIW.

    • @ANNAREID29
      @ANNAREID29  Месяц назад +1

      I did not know that! Thank you! ❤️❤️

  • @adaline6802
    @adaline6802 Месяц назад +7

    I just bought two new ballet flats! In bright yellow with a bow and pink studded ones and I cannot wait for spring! 41 here! 💖🌈💖

  • @yshabellah.158
    @yshabellah.158 Месяц назад +3

    Fashion is fun!!it's a feeling!!! Of emotions!!!enjoy it!!!

  • @ninalambrecht2098
    @ninalambrecht2098 Месяц назад +2

    Ballet flats, mini skirt with baggyish sweater, tights and a great bag! I'm definitely going to try. I'm 45 this year but I would love to try this look again

  • @Katie_Woo
    @Katie_Woo Месяц назад +2

    I'm 39 with very high arches and anything too flat cripples my feet and I struggle to keep them from falling off 😂 so ballet flats are a no go for me but something with a 1-2 inch heel and some nice laces or tasteful straps- friends for life

  • @the.kid.bandit
    @the.kid.bandit Месяц назад +4

    Birkenstocks have always been an orthotic shoe - so the thought that they might not be for women over 40 is kinda silly.

  • @knowthyself1729
    @knowthyself1729 Месяц назад +6

    Great video - Thanks Annareid. I agree with almost everything you said here. However, NO to ballet shoes. Mini skirts and dresses - women of all ages should wear them if they feel good in them. Even if you have some imperfections on your legs (like veins) , you still can wear mini, if you desire to do so - just wear tights, and you are good to go.

  • @aidastanco2945
    @aidastanco2945 Месяц назад +1

    Hi, Anna I am rewatching your video, I am so sorry that everyone responded to what I didn’t realize that you had already said in the beginning. I love your content and think you always have some good points to make on what fashion trends you are talking about. I do love to wear what I like, I DON’T subscribe to ALL trends, just the ones I LOVE. Thank you for all your perspectives. I appreciate you.😊

  • @lizpetruzzi7700
    @lizpetruzzi7700 Месяц назад +3

    55 here and what I love about dressing me now is I enjoy more sophisticated looks that when I was younger I might think would age me. I also enjoy injecting personality with accessories.

  • @sussannekeith5676
    @sussannekeith5676 Месяц назад +13

    Sequined tank under a structured blazer looks amazing…

  • @mjordan1028
    @mjordan1028 Месяц назад +3

    I'm 62 & I still wear short skirts, about 4 inches max above the knee.
    I prefer short skirts over shorts in the summer. Blue or white denim skirts are great.
    In the winter, I still love the Meg Ryan look in "When Harry met Sally," an oversized sweater over short skirt with opaque tights & boots or a clunky heel.

  • @ms.d4220
    @ms.d4220 Месяц назад +1

    Ballet flats are good but I say not without an orthotic. The feet change as we age. Doc told me that flats are fine but size up bc an orthotic should be put into the shoe.
    Birkenstock’s I agree that it depends on how you style them. I find the older I get, I’m picky with which style I buy which includes the color. With the right outfit, a person can really look good. Ty for you content. I enjoy it and I’m 57 ❤️☺️

  • @TheMary0831
    @TheMary0831 Месяц назад +7

    I can pull off a miniskirt if I wear boots so not so much leg shows, even though (thank God) my legs are still pretty cute. And tights make a difference. And I'm short, and most "mini" skirts hit me mid thigh or a bit lower. I do NOT look good in some of the other lengths of skirts, and I'm sure my fellow shorties will concur.

  • @roniisablake
    @roniisablake Месяц назад +5

    I'm 52 and love the look of ballet flats, but I've only found one pair that don't hurt my feet.
    I found a beautiful, A line, Lands End windbreaker at Costco. It came with a vest too. I can style it nicely, but it is a bit more upscale than the typical windbreaker.

    • @suzannereid5084
      @suzannereid5084 Месяц назад

      I am also looking for ballet flats, that don't hurt my feet. Would you mind sharing the brand you like? Thank you. 😊

  • @bethvanhorn3200
    @bethvanhorn3200 Месяц назад +6

    In my opinion:
    Birkenstocks are also a regional thing. I think LOTS of different age groups wear them in the Northeast. They are very popular in the “coastal look.” But I don’t see them as much when I go to Florida.
    I think the length of the mini skirt is important. I switch to skirts as I aged - but kept the length between my finger tips and the top of my knees.
    I had a dog sweater about 10 years ago. I think it’s one of those things that’s memorable - you wear it once and people remember it. . .
    Ballet flats are a classic for all ages - just like a white shirt! There are some styles that tend to look more frumpy than others.

  • @lynndupree1205
    @lynndupree1205 Месяц назад +3

    Ballet flats look cute, but I can't wear them because completely flat shoes hurt my back. I have to have at least a 1 inch heel. Chunky heels are great, and they give good support and add just a tiny bit of height.

  • @mermaidwanders240
    @mermaidwanders240 Месяц назад +4

    Oh dear lawd, just getting in my 40’s and now there’s styles that are now off limits for me? 😬

    • @alexmartin328
      @alexmartin328 25 дней назад

      nope. wear what you like❤ no matter the age

  • @dawnfrye4343
    @dawnfrye4343 Месяц назад +4

    Yes, TY for saying it. I so agree with the jeans & bag charms💯

  • @jeanniefriedman5397
    @jeanniefriedman5397 Месяц назад

    Hello Anna. I am really liking this video because I feel like you are presenting fashion in and out in a better more non judgmental presentation. I felt that the tone of this video gave insight without feeling shamed for not being able to wear the what’s in at the moment tend. Thank you.

  • @nicolet7735
    @nicolet7735 Месяц назад +3

    I think it depends on what type of vibe/style you're going for or like. It seems like you go more towards rich suburbia. If you look at these suggestions through that lens then they make sense. I find a lot of that style very stuffy looking so whatever floats your boat. Fun vid 🙂

    • @_Cortney-
      @_Cortney- 14 дней назад

      Rich suburbia vibe. Lol

    • @nancysullivan6827
      @nancysullivan6827 13 дней назад

      I just made that comment on another with certain shoes to wear with too short jeans. I’m just a regular person. I want mine long and basic sneakers and sandals and basic short boots. All she said not to where.

  • @wolfgangproductions7402
    @wolfgangproductions7402 Месяц назад +2

    I’m unique I will wear wherever I want to I never cared what people think real talk ….

  • @yourstylebyalma
    @yourstylebyalma Месяц назад +1

    I really enjoyed this episode, especially about the dog sweaters! So interesting how we can go from stylish to silly quickly! Good job Anna :)

  • @CarysGM
    @CarysGM Месяц назад +11

    LOL, the bag charms. There's a certain influencer who has to be at least in her 30s who walks around with three different Labubu dolls hanging off her bags. No thank you. I'm 42, but look at least 10 years younger, and finding clothes that look professional and in line with my role as department head while also not looking stodgy has been incredibly difficult. But I do love the look of abject shock on peoples' faces when they realize that I'm the boss.

    • @citygirl2808
      @citygirl2808 Месяц назад +2

      @CarysGM to look professional, but still attractive, I pair a tight pencil skirt with a button-down shirt. A pair of pumps and gold earrings complete the look.

  • @monicaortiz9712
    @monicaortiz9712 Месяц назад +3

    I’m sorry, but women should wear whatever they like, regardless of their age!! I will wear windbreakers, minis, flats and Birkenstocks until I die 😂

  • @briaturner6295
    @briaturner6295 Месяц назад +3

    Question: I love wearing long-ish skirts and dresses to work. If not a ballet flat, what shoe should I wear? Loafers seem too heavy and sandals are not work appropriate. Thoughts?

    • @cathyjohnson8287
      @cathyjohnson8287 Месяц назад +4

      Wear your ballet flats. They are classic and ageless.

  • @ghosts231
    @ghosts231 Месяц назад +19

    I’m a Floridian so Birkenstocks are a staple, LOL…Bag charms should only be sold in and used by Claire’s Boutique patrons…And if you have a penchant for Cat sweaters or totes - you have far larger issues than fashion.
    ❤ your channel Anna!

    • @ANNAREID29
      @ANNAREID29  Месяц назад

      I'm dying 😂😂😂 you are so right! ❤️❤️

    • @InnerAlice
      @InnerAlice 3 дня назад

      Considering a dress with books and cats.

  • @ShirleyDrake-xx2cs
    @ShirleyDrake-xx2cs 14 дней назад

    My granddaughter is entering the workplace as a professional this summer. She is doing an internship as a mechanical engineering student for a good size company. Their dress style is business casual . She has gained her freshman fifteen pounds, so many of her pre college wardrobe doesn’t fit. A video on entry lever business casual wardrobe would be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind, her budget will be limited to no more than $1000. She will be in New Mexico, in the summer, so it will be hot except for possibly it being cooler at night in the desert. I hope to see your suggestions soon.

  • @deelehey2827
    @deelehey2827 Месяц назад +4

    My husband is an investment banker but wears wild socks to work with his suit and tie.

  • @kamidmisra4107
    @kamidmisra4107 24 дня назад +1


  • @Faithb73
    @Faithb73 Месяц назад +4

    I’m 51 and I love Birkenstocks and have at least 5 pairs? I also have Fred flintstone feet so they work perfect for me😂

  • @SallyPatrick-bb1ku
    @SallyPatrick-bb1ku Месяц назад +11

    I am 61 and refuse to where ballet flats! They look so frumpy.

    • @debrabruzdowicz475
      @debrabruzdowicz475 Месяц назад

      Wow, Audrey Hepburn is rolling in her grave!! Take a page from her book and you'll never look frumpy

  • @ariboog4069
    @ariboog4069 Месяц назад +4

    Great information. You present it very well. I think I'll try out for the new capris and will let you know how I do. But this video made me remember that in my family, it was taboo for "old gals" to wear white shoes. Mind you, that "old" meant 40. 😂 I'm way past that, and loving my nice, crisp white tennis and not so tennis shoes.

  • @mcspankie2010
    @mcspankie2010 Месяц назад +1

    As a mom of young children and older children, my whole day is pretty busy. Windbreaker works for me as long as it’s a nice one I have Patagonia Lululemon and our Tarr windbreakers they all look very nice. I don’t wear them with evening clothes I wear evening clothes in the evening when I go somewhere, so all that to say, I think windbreakers are fine for running around dropping kids off running errands having lunch that type of thing

  • @lindseylouise8312
    @lindseylouise8312 18 дней назад

    I’ll be 45 this year and I’m so excited that skorts have returned! I loved a skort and high school and still love to wear them!

  • @merb.3576
    @merb.3576 Месяц назад +4

    “No” BALLET FLATS?!?!? Nun uh, uh uh! I’m totally wearing them till I can no longer walk the earth…they’re classic, unpretentious, and go with just about anything (especially, but not exclusively, the Chanel variety)😊

  • @lg3671
    @lg3671 Месяц назад +5

    Trendy does not equal stylish . There is not such thing or in or out. Wear whatever you what , enjoy the freedom of being you . Life is too short for not wearing something you want because you are over 40, 50, etc etc .

  • @FefeGabor-f2l
    @FefeGabor-f2l Месяц назад +3

    You look great. Could you share your daily diet and any tips on being lean? I’ve been on keto and I pretty much count my calories and eat a protein veggie diet. Low carb homemade almond flour bread.

  • @helencourti4474
    @helencourti4474 Месяц назад +6

    Thanks for your awesome video!!!❤❤

    • @ANNAREID29
      @ANNAREID29  Месяц назад +1

      You are so welcome thanks for watching! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @marygillespie2028
    @marygillespie2028 Месяц назад +2

    My podiatrist says Birkenstocks are good for my foot problem. I'm still learning to style them - they can easily fall into the "frumpy" territory.

  • @sammydylan9775
    @sammydylan9775 Месяц назад +1

    I love that first brown dog sweater, I'm 62 and I wear it out anywhere.

  • @juditbi
    @juditbi 25 дней назад

    Dear Anna, so grateful for the last three tips :) ;). Fun and useful video as always ❤

  • @shippermd
    @shippermd Месяц назад +19

    I will keep wearing my Birkenstocks.
    I am 57 and been wearing them for years! With and Without Socks, too!
    I usually wear the sturdier, stiffer leather-strapped versions, vs the floppy suede straps).

    • @treesart6914
      @treesart6914 Месяц назад +1

      I plan to buy a pair and wear them with my wind breaker.

    • @elainescheer1358
      @elainescheer1358 Месяц назад

      At our age, you don't really care what other people think. I wear my classic Birkenstocks every day in the house - with socks if it is cool. In the summer I wear the thong-toed ones with summer dresses, and I think they look fine.

  • @meetvirginia84
    @meetvirginia84 Месяц назад +1

    Since I wore birken stocks in elementary, I can't bring myself to reware them again 😂😂 now ballet flats... those are timeless like a nice white button down. 👌😊 😊😊

  • @Betti1962
    @Betti1962 Месяц назад +2

    I have not ever owned a windbreaker lol chucky necklaces is actually something I stopped wearing about 2 years ago..I put one on oneday and thought it looked like jewelry from Claire's and cheap..after this I switched to a simple diamond necklace and a pearl charm necklace( pearl is my birthstone)both on a thin chain..I invested more upfront but I literally wear them daily for 2 years and they go with everything and always make my outfit a little more classy.

  • @jonmariejacobs8887
    @jonmariejacobs8887 Месяц назад +3

    I was laughing out loud when you were talking about the dog and cat stuff. 😂

  • @mswix98
    @mswix98 Месяц назад +1

    I almost spit my coffee when you talked about peekaboo toes! You are so funny, and you always cheer ne up! PS I’m 69 and lap up every word on your “don’t wear these “videos

  • @rosarioguerrero458
    @rosarioguerrero458 Месяц назад +25

    I’m with you with the peep toe shoes, I wont be wearing them In my life time again.

    • @ANNAREID29
      @ANNAREID29  Месяц назад +3

      Been there done that! lol ❤️

    • @mercedes523
      @mercedes523 Месяц назад

      Yes! They are so trashy looking.

    • @frankiefavero1666
      @frankiefavero1666 Месяц назад

      I tried back in the day... no thanks blister city!

    • @MrsVanB
      @MrsVanB Месяц назад

      I have a very classy pair (no platform) and I’m glad I didn’t throw them away. I will be rocking them with my wide leg jeans! 😊💁🏾‍♀️

  • @samanthanieto473
    @samanthanieto473 Месяц назад

    Things I’ve noticed since “sniffing 40” - many of my clothes are a bit juvenile. I’m so impressed with the elevated, casual, and not TOO mature style advice you give. I don’t want to look 30… but I also don’t want to look 60. 👏 ❤

  • @alysonj7227
    @alysonj7227 День назад

    I totally agree with you about capris. Unless you have long legs, they will make your legs look short. However, since I'm in the later stage of peri-menopause I've quit wearing any type of trousers, for comfort reasons. It's loose dresses all the way for me now. I've literally sat next to my wardrobe crying because I can't just throw on a pair of jeans anymore.

  • @Jesuslovesyousomuch93
    @Jesuslovesyousomuch93 Месяц назад +2

    I love white sneakers. My outfits are created based on them.

  • @roxannedyerart
    @roxannedyerart Месяц назад +1

    The mini (not micro) with very opaque tights, boots and fun bulky knits in fall & winter is ok on almost any age range, imo, because it's about silhouette and textures. I personally wouldn't show too much skin. A pant length that's cropped just below the knee used to be called a clam digger or pedal pusher; (designer in a former incarnation). That length at mid-calf is not easy to wear; but I agree with you Anna, really fun on the beach.. I love the "capri" length (pant usually cropped a few inches above the ankle) ... most women look great in it. Very feminine, very Audrey Hepburn, imo.. 🥰 Thanks for the video Anna!

  • @Larkalala
    @Larkalala 13 дней назад

    If your Birkenstocks are falling off your feet, try the narrow size. But the biggest reason that may be happening is if you have the 2 strap style (Arizona Big Buckle) but have tightened the straps across your foot too tight. When the straps are too tight, they stick to the bottom of your foot with each step and the toe end of the shoe will scrape the floor. You may trip! The Birks are meant to be loose enough that they move with you. Loosen the straps, don’t trip!

  • @yvonnetanner7890
    @yvonnetanner7890 Месяц назад +2

    I love that Birkenstocks have been in style and in most stores. I've worn them forever and was having to buy them from a specialty shoe store. Growing up my mom didn't put me in Mary Janes but my cousins wore them a lot. They aren't my style now but I do like ballet flats. It seems the pointed toe ones are more in style right now, but like my rounded toe ones.

  • @yshabellah.158
    @yshabellah.158 Месяц назад +2

    Love ballet flats...

  • @deelehey2827
    @deelehey2827 Месяц назад +4

    I mostly wear ballet flats. They are classic and timeless. Birkenstocks remind me of 1960s hippies.

  • @laurab778ify
    @laurab778ify Месяц назад +1

    I imagine the judgement when this women steps outside. Please wear what brings you joy, there is so much more to worry about than pleasing society with your wardrobe! Be yourself!

  • @MorKing86
    @MorKing86 Месяц назад

    This video is right on time. I just turned 39, and I've been slowly rebuilding my wardrobe over the last year or two.

  • @shannonrodriguez8165
    @shannonrodriguez8165 Месяц назад +1

    I’m so glad to see you partnering with MIDI. They changed my life. I’ve been seeing them for just over a year and my experience with them has been fantastic. Great video!

  • @mrsbinkbonk
    @mrsbinkbonk Месяц назад +3

    Can we all agree Katie Holmes is killing it? She has aged so beautifully and seems to own it.

  • @dianab6852
    @dianab6852 Месяц назад +5

    I appreciate your videos and am really relieved to hear your angle on mini skirts. I agreee with ya all the way. Thank you

    • @ANNAREID29
      @ANNAREID29  Месяц назад

      You are so welcome! Glad you agree! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @shannzgab
    @shannzgab Месяц назад +2

    Oh Birkenstocks are my jam rn! I'm almost 55 &
    I wore UGGS, which honestly no one looks good in those clodhoppers, and my toes were killing me all the time so I decided to donate and go up a size. That worked until my feet started killing me, so I donated those 5 pairs and tried Birkenstocks for the 5th time, all the shoes prior, I gave to my daughter.
    Now for whatever reason, I can wear them! 🎉

    • @suegordon6805
      @suegordon6805 Месяц назад +1

      @@shannzgab I love my Uggs. I’m 74 and have been wearing them for years.

  • @allthescarves
    @allthescarves Месяц назад +4

    I LOVE my rose gold metallic Birkenstocks! I think they look fashionable with a variety of outfits. My tan suede ones (sandals and closed toe slides) stay at home. Those giant sequins and bag charms are giving Claire's ca. 2003. Bag charms look best on a grade-schooler's backpack.